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A suprise in a box of ammo I bought

Posted: Mon Mar 05, 2012 2:25 am
by magillapd
Went to Walmart and bought 4 boxes of Federal Champion 115 FMJ 9mm. First thing is Walmart charged me a dollar more each then what was printed on the price label :grumble (didn't notice until I got home, so will be going back tomorrow for my $4)

I got home and opened each box real quick and whoa...what do we have here?


Re: A suprise in a box of ammo I bought

Posted: Mon Mar 05, 2012 2:30 am
by alexrex20
i suspect an email to Federal is in order?

Re: A suprise in a box of ammo I bought

Posted: Mon Mar 05, 2012 2:31 am
by magillapd
alexrex20 wrote:i suspect an email to Federal is in order?
Yes, I just fired off an email to them right after I posted the picture. I'll post the response if and when I get one.

Re: A suprise in a box of ammo I bought

Posted: Mon Mar 05, 2012 3:38 am
by Madbull
Holy crapoli! I've been searching the local Walmarts for a few days to stock up on some of that since it's a great price, but each time they're always sold out of the 100rd boxes. Finally broke down and jsut ordered a case of lawman 124gr from SGA since they're still competitive on them at this time, (and closer to my SD ammo). Glad I did.

Great pic & reminder to us all, (newbies and experienced alike), to always check your ammo, regardless of manufacturer. QC only gets you so far.

Re: A suprise in a box of ammo I bought

Posted: Mon Mar 05, 2012 3:46 am
by alexrex20
WWB 100rd is cheaper than anything I've seen at any store, even Monarch @ Academy.

Re: A suprise in a box of ammo I bought

Posted: Mon Mar 05, 2012 7:56 am
by joseywales
Check this guy out -
All new components, local DFW, tax is included in the price on the website.

Re: A suprise in a box of ammo I bought

Posted: Mon Mar 05, 2012 11:43 am
by cougartex
:shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:

Re: A suprise in a box of ammo I bought

Posted: Mon Mar 05, 2012 2:02 pm
by alvins
maybe winchester will give you some sort of credit.

i know once i bought a case of coke cola and 2 cans had no carbonation. I called and complained and they sent me enough coupons for about 20 cases.

Re: A suprise in a box of ammo I bought

Posted: Mon Mar 05, 2012 2:15 pm
by stevie_d_64
Well it looks like it (primer) was seated to the correct depth, just in da wrong direction...doink!!!

Save it for posterity...

Re: A suprise in a box of ammo I bought

Posted: Mon Mar 05, 2012 5:01 pm
by LongHairedRedneck
I don't think that one is going to work to well :biggrinjester:

Re: A suprise in a box of ammo I bought

Posted: Mon Mar 05, 2012 6:01 pm
by Lonest4r
I did that to one of my reloads and didn't notice till I pulled the trigger and nothing happened. It made me feel really stupid that I didn't notice it. I guess it can happen with factory ammo also.

Re: A suprise in a box of ammo I bought

Posted: Mon Mar 05, 2012 7:43 pm
by mrvmax
I got a new box of 380 like that. I e-mailed the manufacturer and mailed it to them. They sent me the cost of shipping plus a refund of the box of ammo.

Re: A suprise in a box of ammo I bought

Posted: Tue Mar 06, 2012 10:38 am
by solaritx
Had a similar thing happen to me with one of the Texas Reloading companies....seen at almost all of the Texas Gun shows. Went politely to them and discussed it. The response? They said "what the do you want me to do about it?". When I stated that I was concerned with their quality control and felt that anytime I bought a product, I expected it to be as advertised and should work. The guy went off again...opened a box of ammo and handed me one round.

I never bought from them again and told as many as I could about them.

Good luck. Basically I have found that it's a mute point for most.

Garry N

Re: A suprise in a box of ammo I bought

Posted: Tue Mar 06, 2012 4:04 pm
by magillapd
Got a reply from Federal, they asked for the lot number. I sent it back to them, waiting to hear what they say next.

Also went back to Walmart yesterday to get my $4 back. The sticker said $10.97 but they rang up $11.97 I failed to notice it when I bought it.

I walked in the store, went straight back to the ammo case and yep, price still showed $10.97. I found the department manager and had her come over with her scan gun to tell me what it rang up. She scanned it and sure enough, $11.97. I then pulled my receipt from the day before and showed her where I was over charged based on the sticker price. The lady agreed. I asked where I could get the money refunded, she said the service desk.

I asked her if they would understand what I was saying, she said probably not. I asked her to bring a box of ammo and come with me to the service desk so we could get this figured out, she agreed.

When we got to the service desk, she went ahead and asked the one cashier about it and she was told that since it was ammo it couldn't be refunded and that regardless of what the price showed, I had to pay what the system said. Uh...wrong Answer. I said ok, who's above the cashier. Answer, customer service manager. Ok, bring her here. The CSM said I was right and they could just process the refund then re-ring up the 4 boxes at the price shown.

Took 20 minutes to get it all sorted out, but I got my $4.33 back. The Dept manager was very polite the whole time, the CSM made the correct decision. The casiher up there didn't and probably needs retrained in customer service!!

The Dept manager did say she was going back to fix the sticker so I would be paying the $11.97 next time. Of course that's fine, but don't charge me more then what you are showing on the shelf.

Re: A suprise in a box of ammo I bought

Posted: Tue Mar 06, 2012 4:26 pm
by APynckel
magillapd wrote:Got a reply from Federal, they asked for the lot number. I sent it back to them, waiting to hear what they say next.

Also went back to Walmart yesterday to get my $4 back. The sticker said $10.97 but they rang up $11.97 I failed to notice it when I bought it.

I walked in the store, went straight back to the ammo case and yep, price still showed $10.97. I found the department manager and had her come over with her scan gun to tell me what it rang up. She scanned it and sure enough, $11.97. I then pulled my receipt from the day before and showed her where I was over charged based on the sticker price. The lady agreed. I asked where I could get the money refunded, she said the service desk.

I asked her if they would understand what I was saying, she said probably not. I asked her to bring a box of ammo and come with me to the service desk so we could get this figured out, she agreed.

When we got to the service desk, she went ahead and asked the one cashier about it and she was told that since it was ammo it couldn't be refunded and that regardless of what the price showed, I had to pay what the system said. Uh...wrong Answer. I said ok, who's above the cashier. Answer, customer service manager. Ok, bring her here. The CSM said I was right and they could just process the refund then re-ring up the 4 boxes at the price shown.

Took 20 minutes to get it all sorted out, but I got my $4.33 back. The Dept manager was very polite the whole time, the CSM made the correct decision. The casiher up there didn't and probably needs retrained in customer service!!

The Dept manager did say she was going back to fix the sticker so I would be paying the $11.97 next time. Of course that's fine, but don't charge me more then what you are showing on the shelf.
Sometimes the customer ISN'T always right though. I can cite a number of instances from Geek Squad when the customer was arguing for something, and they didn't get a refund, even after complaining to a manager.

The service agent was doing her job, and doing what she was told. Ammunition is not refundable, because someone could try to pass reloads back to them. Sometimes in customer service, you have to hold your ground, when arguing SOP.