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Need some ammo education...38 Spl related

Posted: Wed Oct 12, 2011 9:38 am
by jonrjen
First let me say, I did do a search and did not come up with the information I am looking for.

I have picked up a few Taurus 38 Spl 2" barrel revolvers as of late. All but one of them will fire 38+P ammo, the other is a magnesium light weight (not +p approved, but does chamber 6 rounds).

In a real world situation, as a CCW, keeping in mind that most conceal carry firearm altercations happen at close distances. What would be the recommended proper load to keep in the pistol.

I have read plenty of charts on velosity, power and so forth. It all gets number confusing after awhile.

I know my choices are: 38 spl, 38 spl+p, round tip, wadcutter, semi wadcutter, hollow point in all of the afore mentioned. What grain count? I have read that 38spl wadcutter ammo allows for better burn of the powder, of course I have also read that it makes no true difference. I guess another choice would be a shot load, but this I don't think would be a good choice as personal protection round. But, maybe I am wrong?

So keeping it along the KISS Principal, what in your honest opinion, and why would you recommend.

Re: Need some ammo education...38 Spl related

Posted: Wed Oct 12, 2011 10:00 am
by wally775
I do reload so this may not work for you.

My number one choice for snubby in 38spl is a 148gr
LHBWC loaded upside down.

My next is a 146gr SWHP.

Store bought variety I like the heavier load.
158gr SW or SWHP.

I do not worry about the +P factor.

I have hunted and taken game with all of this loads and
am familiar with their performance and wound channels.

Your opinion may of course differ.

JMO :tiphat:

Re: Need some ammo education...38 Spl related

Posted: Wed Oct 12, 2011 11:04 am
by doc540
CorBon DPX with all-copper Barnes Bullets.

Right off the shelf

Re: Need some ammo education...38 Spl related

Posted: Wed Oct 12, 2011 11:05 am
by fishfree
I confess I am no expert on the 38spl but here is what I have gleemed from the internet (where only truth abides :lol: ) but does fit with my own limited experience.

130 grains or higher is very effective. wadcutter or semi-wadcutter, semi-jacketed flat nosed ammo will give good penetration. A well designed HP may be desirable to help prevent through-and-through. If you go with HP make sure the ones you select will actually open up.

All-in-all, shot placement trumps 38spl vs 38spl+P and most other factors.

You might want to try a variety of ammo during target practice; i.e. shoot groups with the different choices you are considering.
For whatever reason a gun will "like" or "dislike" one cartridge or another giving tighter or looser groups.

Re: Need some ammo education...38 Spl related

Posted: Wed Oct 12, 2011 3:14 pm
by fannypacker
Most shooters do not carry reloaded ammo for fear of an attorney in court saying "ordinary factory ammo wasn't good enough for this shooter." "He had to load super hot stuff."" I carry a Smith snubby and only use factory loads. I do reload though.

Re: Need some ammo education...38 Spl related

Posted: Wed Oct 12, 2011 3:36 pm
by boba
I carry Hornady Critical Defense ammunition in my 38 bug. I did some informal testing and performance looks good, even out of a short barrel. Is it the best? Maybe not but it's good enough in my book.

Re: Need some ammo education...38 Spl related

Posted: Wed Oct 12, 2011 5:11 pm
by y5e06
I carry Speer Gold Dot HP in 135gr +P designed specifically for short barreled revolvers. If you're in Austin, GT distributors has it for up to 1/2 the price of other stores." onclick=";return false;

Re: Need some ammo education...38 Spl related

Posted: Wed Oct 12, 2011 6:53 pm
by Weg
I carry Federal Hydrashocks in my 70's era airweight, I practice with Fiocchi 125 gr. HP which shoots to the same point of impact as the hydrashocks but is not plus p. I have fired about 100 rds. of the Hydrashocks and the gun does not appear to have any ill effects thus far.

Re: Need some ammo education...38 Spl related

Posted: Wed Oct 12, 2011 8:36 pm
by Heartland Patriot
Federal Nyclad 125 Grain standard pressure. They are a relatively soft lead, deep hollow cavity, and coated with a polymer coating to prevent leading of the barrel. They deform and spread out pretty well, considering the short barrel. "Standard" semi-jacketed hollow points don't usually have enough velocity to reliably expand from a snub barrel, though they are great out of 4 inch or longer barrels. Another great choice is Hornady Critical Defense 110 grain (these come in standard and +P varieties)...they are hollow point with a polymer "insert" in the pushes outward on impact and aids expansion, even at the lower velocity generated by 38 Sp. in a snub. These are just my opinion, I am not a lawyer, LEO, gunsmith, competition guy, soldier, and I haven't stayed at a Holiday Inn in a long time. Last recommendation, buy several different rounds, fire them, and see which works best for you.

Re: Need some ammo education...38 Spl related

Posted: Wed Oct 12, 2011 9:28 pm
by MoJo
Effective ammunition in a snub is scarce. Most JHP ammo in .38 Special is designed to work in 4" barrels there a few loads that are either designed for short barrels or work well in short barrels. One of the oldest and most effective is the +p 158 gr LSWCHP as loaded by Remington, Winchester, and Federal. The 125 gr Federal NyClad loading is another great performer. Speer's +P 135 gr short barrel load is what NYPD issues to those officers who carry revolvers and for backup/off duty ammo. CorBon DPX and 110 gr +P JHP have been optimized for short barrel use.

I carry the Nyclad in warm weather and the Speer short barrel load in cooler/cold weather when folks wear thicker clothing. I'm going to switch to DPX year round when I run out of the other two loads.

Re: Need some ammo education...38 Spl related

Posted: Thu Oct 13, 2011 1:01 pm
by LongHairedRedneck
When I carry my 642 S&W I keep the cylinders full of Gold Dot Short Barell +P 135gr HP

Re: Need some ammo education...38 Spl related

Posted: Thu Oct 13, 2011 1:16 pm
by Dan20703
For my 642 I go with Remington 158-gr. LSWCHP+P also known as the FBI load. Old school technology but has a good history of actual use in the field. Quite accurate out of the snubbie too! Stephen Camp (RIP) always filled his snubbies with this round. :tiphat:

Re: Need some ammo education...38 Spl related

Posted: Thu Oct 13, 2011 1:56 pm
by pedalman
Buffalo Bore 158g LSWHP +P

Re: Need some ammo education...38 Spl related

Posted: Thu Oct 13, 2011 4:25 pm
by dnuggett
pedalman wrote:Buffalo Bore 158g LSWHP +P
This. It is a hot round as far as .38 Special goes but haven't found a reason to carry less than that out of my 442. Some snubs may not be set up to handle it, so YMMV.

Remember to practice with the round in the gun you carry. Practice as much as feasible.