Gun Safety 101 Sparks Debate
Posted: Fri May 27, 2005 9:01 am
Gun Safety 101 Sparks Debate
Saturday, May 21, 2005
LOS ANGELES — Arizona schools have added a fourth "R" to reading, writing and arithmetic — rifles.
Students who choose to enroll in this new course learn the safe way to handle a gun and earn one credit — the equivalent to ceramics or photography electives. Critics are gunning the debate; they say handing teenagers loaded weapons equals trouble.
“I'm afraid these programs are really geared more toward increasing peoples interest in guns rather than safety,� said Dr. Mary Rimsza, director of the Student Health Center at ASU (search).
Click in the box near the top of the story to watch a report by FOX News' William La Jeunesse.
However, some students say it is on target with their curriculum.
“We learn life skills, like when we miss [a shot], not to get mad. You learn a lot of cooperation with your team members,� said student Kim Peters.
And many parents argue they would rather their children learn how to handle a gun and be safe, than be sorry.
“It is very important for a child to be proficient responsible with a firearm as a hobby or just practical shooting, he should know how to operate it just like you would teach a child how to operate a saw or any hand tool,� said parent Scott Marx.
Arizona's State Game and Fish Department said it will dispatch qualified, trained instructors to every school that signs up.
Saturday, May 21, 2005
LOS ANGELES — Arizona schools have added a fourth "R" to reading, writing and arithmetic — rifles.
Students who choose to enroll in this new course learn the safe way to handle a gun and earn one credit — the equivalent to ceramics or photography electives. Critics are gunning the debate; they say handing teenagers loaded weapons equals trouble.
“I'm afraid these programs are really geared more toward increasing peoples interest in guns rather than safety,� said Dr. Mary Rimsza, director of the Student Health Center at ASU (search).
Click in the box near the top of the story to watch a report by FOX News' William La Jeunesse.
However, some students say it is on target with their curriculum.
“We learn life skills, like when we miss [a shot], not to get mad. You learn a lot of cooperation with your team members,� said student Kim Peters.
And many parents argue they would rather their children learn how to handle a gun and be safe, than be sorry.
“It is very important for a child to be proficient responsible with a firearm as a hobby or just practical shooting, he should know how to operate it just like you would teach a child how to operate a saw or any hand tool,� said parent Scott Marx.
Arizona's State Game and Fish Department said it will dispatch qualified, trained instructors to every school that signs up.