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Brief Range Report - Sig P220 Carry SAS

Posted: Sun Feb 27, 2011 4:55 pm
by Viffer
This is a brief range report on my new P220 .45 ACP Carry SAS. Last night, I gave it a good cleaning and used Glide Slide as recommended in the instructions and on the GrayGuns website. I used the lite version since I intend for this piece to be my EDC.

I shot 100 rounds of American Eagle 230 grain FMJ followed by another 100 rounds of Remington 230 grain FMJ. I finished with 10 rounds of Federal 230 grain JHP. Every round fired and ejected perfectly and without a single problem. Of course, the bullets went exactly where I pointed the barrel. So this was a good day for me.

Once I got home, I carefully checked for any rail damage or wear on the frame. There was not a single mark or evidence of any rail or slide wear! In fact, the barrel had only a very faint Sig smile and otherwise looked new.

I am very pleased with this new Sig. I’ve got a keeper. In addition, I intend to use Glide Slide until hell freezes over.

Re: Brief Range Report - Sig P220 Carry SAS

Posted: Mon Feb 28, 2011 3:58 am
by SigM4
Nice pick up! I've been using Slide Glide for years now on my sigs with very good results.