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Laws regarding varmit control
Posted: Thu Nov 18, 2010 7:21 pm
by olafpfj
I kinda let my yard get a little on the jurassic scale while I was working insane hours and finally got it mowed. This, as I feared however, stirred up quite a few wee beasties that had enjoyed the overgrown backyard. I am not concerned with the odd mouse or insect but I did come across a small snake in the yard. Turns out it was just a small harmless grass snake but it got me thinking about if it had been something poisonous. I have 3 small children and would not want a copperhead or something else dangerous hanging around for any length of time. So I purchased some CCI shotshells in 9mm and 45ACP just in case I need to deal with one. I have read extensively about them and understand what they can and can't do etc...
So the question is not about the shotshells but about what, if any, trouble I would get in if I were to dispatch some snake in the yard and the cops got a "shots fired" call. Keep in mind I would never just flippantly start shooting snakes, mice, spiders, tin cans etc. in a residential area. This would be a scenario reserved solely for a truly dangerous critter that I am not about to let wander about. I know from my cousins experience with a raccoon in her chimney that in the city of Grapevine, where I am also located, animal control will only deal with dogs and cats. If it is something else you need to call a private animal wrangler and they cost money. The dispatcher from Grapevine PD told her to just shoot the darn thing and be done with it...
So the question is....REALLY?!!!....
...I know this is Texas and all but can I legally do that?
Re: Laws regarding varmit control
Posted: Thu Nov 18, 2010 7:27 pm
by Pawpaw
If you are within the city limits, shooting is a big no-no unless your life is in danger.
For snakes, you would be much better off getting yourself a garden hoe and use a file to make sure it's good and sharp. Even out here in the boonies, that is the first tool we reach for when a snake needs killin'.
Re: Laws regarding varmit control
Posted: Thu Nov 18, 2010 7:28 pm
by KC5AV
For snakes, I'd just recommend a hoe or a shovel.
For larger varmints, I'd be wary of taking the advice of a dispatcher. I know in my neck of the woods, they are not commissioned officers, and probably don't have the power to authorize you to do that.
Re: Laws regarding varmit control
Posted: Thu Nov 18, 2010 7:39 pm
by Humanphibian
I would recommend a new AR, throw in a .22LR upper, EOTech, Weapon Light, suppressor and good supply of, just sayin
Re: Laws regarding varmit control
Posted: Thu Nov 18, 2010 7:43 pm
by Oldgringo
Is there no one who mows lawns/yards in your 'hood?
Re: Laws regarding varmit control
Posted: Thu Nov 18, 2010 8:06 pm
by olafpfj
Oldgringo wrote:Is there no one who mows lawns/yards in your 'hood?
Yes there are and that is what I ultimately went with. I had to do something when I looked up and down the street and realized we were becoming "that" yard....
Humanphibian wrote:I would recommend a new AR, throw in a .22LR upper, EOTech, Weapon Light, suppressor and good supply of, just sayin
LOL...nah...I'll just use my Garand or Enfield...that'll be subtle....
Actually now that I think of it...I have a Westernfield M85 revolver in .22(all flavors). I could use some Super Colibris I have and no one would know the difference. Closing the lid to my grill makes more noise....
However, I do take the "CHL holders are more law abiding" thing to heart...and I do like nature and whatnot. Sadly I've decided that if I'm going to feel more superior to the masses...sigh...I have to be more superior than the masses. I'm going to console myself with a glass of port...on my yacht...where I keep my horse...right after fencing school...but before I meet with the Prince of Monaco....
Re: Laws regarding varmit control
Posted: Thu Nov 18, 2010 8:31 pm
by Hoi Polloi
There is NO way I'd get close enough to a poisonous snake to chop it up with a shovel!
Re: Laws regarding varmit control
Posted: Thu Nov 18, 2010 8:37 pm
by olafpfj
Hoi Polloi wrote:There is NO way I'd get close enough to a poisonous snake to chop it up with a shovel!
From what I've read you'd have to get closer with the Shotshells than with a hoe...just sayin....
Re: Laws regarding varmit control
Posted: Thu Nov 18, 2010 8:47 pm
by TLE2
Snakes aren't varmints, they're varmint control animals.
Keep the snakes, they eat the rodentia.
Re: Laws regarding varmit control
Posted: Thu Nov 18, 2010 8:57 pm
by Humanphibian
TLE2 wrote:Snakes aren't varmints, they're varmint control animals.
Keep the snakes, they eat the rodentia.
agreed. My wife HATES me rescuing snakes (and my rants about how beneficial they are). I'll relocate a dangerous snake, but the rest are welcome around my place. My favorite are the "WATER MOCCASINS!!!!" in the pond...LOL. It seems that EVERY snake that resides in the water in Texas is a water moccasin
as for eating rats....I love watching the people on Survivor piss and moan about having nothing to eat and how their camp is run over with rats......doesn't make sense to me. Looks like an ample source of protein to me
Re: Laws regarding varmit control
Posted: Thu Nov 18, 2010 10:46 pm
by Reserve161
I agree totally - snakes don't need killing at all. People have an unrational fear of them...
They take care of the pests and are usually more afraid of you than you of them.
Given the opportunity, they will move on. Humans aren't their prey, so they don't
waste a bite on them unless they feel threatened (stepped on, or put your hands
under a log, etc.)
Fortunately my wife shares my understanding, and I have tried to teach my daughter
to not fear them - healthy respect of course, but not fear.
Re: Laws regarding varmit control
Posted: Thu Nov 18, 2010 11:59 pm
by BAD17
I too live in the boonies and the first tool I reach for is my 45 long colt or my 410 snake popper. They both do the job just fine. I have plenty of varmitt control between my dogs and my wifes two cats.
Re: Laws regarding varmit control
Posted: Fri Nov 19, 2010 12:12 am
by chartreuse
The city limits thing can be hard, but I don't see any way around it. We get coyotes coming out of the canyon across the street and every few months one of the neighbours' cats goes missing. That's unfortunate, but it's a built up suburban area, so I can understand the prohibition.
olafpfj wrote: I'm going to console myself with a glass of port...on my yacht...where I keep my horse...right after fencing school...but before I meet with the Prince of Monaco....
Ah, yes, I remember the days when the Old Spice theme music was Carmina Burada.
Re: Laws regarding varmit control
Posted: Fri Nov 19, 2010 10:15 am
by pcernuch
i am in the city limits and the .22 shorts out of an old rossi pump has been the demise of many unwanted critters.
god bless.
Re: Laws regarding varmit control
Posted: Fri Nov 19, 2010 10:23 am
by E150GT
I try not to kill any snakes. Actually I have never killed a snake, but I have never come across a poisonous one in the city. My dad came across a few in Hondo but he chose not to kill them. I reccomend a good pellet gun. I always would see a field rat in my back yard run across the yard, and I could never hit it no matter what. It was fun trying though.