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Shooting a BB gun in back yard

Posted: Mon Jun 21, 2010 1:33 pm
by Johnny Polite
Who, specifically do I call to see if it is legal to shoot a BB gun in my back yard?

We called the police on new years eve because there was a group of people shooting off fire works on our street (we don't mind that they were shooting the fireworks but they do this every 4th of July and new years eve and they NEVER clean up the mess they make). When we called they said that it was legal for them to shoot off the fire works.

That makes me think that it shouldn't be a problem for BB guns.

I want to be able to teach my 8 year old daughter how to shoot.

Thank you in advance for your help.

Re: Shooting a BB gun in back yard

Posted: Mon Jun 21, 2010 1:40 pm
by seamusTX
Unless you are real friendly terms with a police officer, no one will tell you that it is allowed.

Look up the ordinances on your city's web site. If they are not online, you will have to go to city hall or maybe the library to examine them.

Most municipalities prohibit BB guns and air guns, but at worst it is a class C citation. If you keep your nose clean, no one will know or care.

- Jim

Re: Shooting a BB gun in back yard

Posted: Mon Jun 21, 2010 1:51 pm
by MojoTexas
Also, you might look into the Gamo Whisper air rifles. I've been thinking about picking one up.

They come with a built-in "noise dampener" that reduces the noise by roughly 50%, according to the description.

They're definitely more of an upper-end air rifle aimed at an adult audience, but if you're worried about nosy neighbors, or you want to do a little surreptitious "pest removal" (e.g., shooting squirrels in your bird feeder), it might be just the ticket.

Here's a link:

MojoTexas :txflag:

Re: Shooting a BB gun in back yard

Posted: Mon Jun 21, 2010 2:06 pm
by pcernuch
get a few hay bales for a backstop and have at it. at least thats what i will do when it time to teach Jr. gun safety.

god bless.

Re: Shooting a BB gun in back yard

Posted: Mon Jun 21, 2010 2:10 pm
by PJK
I am no lawyer at all, but I would suspect that nobody will say anything if you are shooting it in the back yard assuming that you are keeping the BB's in the backyard. I ran around the neighborhood with one as a kid and nobody every said anything. The kids are running around my neighborhood now with airsoft guns all the tim.

I would set up a board behind some hay bales. Make the the target holder. Teach her the 4 golden rules and you should be fine. Again, this is not legal advice, but I cannot see anybody complaining about an 8 year old and a BB gun.

Re: Shooting a BB gun in back yard

Posted: Mon Jun 21, 2010 2:13 pm
by seamusTX
Straw is cheaper, it doesn't rot, and fewer animals will eat it.


Re: Shooting a BB gun in back yard

Posted: Mon Jun 21, 2010 2:29 pm
by Johnny Polite
Thank you very much for the replies. I am not worried about the neighbors complaining. The lady that lives on one side is never home and the neighbors on the other side have three boys that would probably want to shoot with us and the dad has a Utah CCL(he's actually from Utah. He doesn't have a gun though but he wants an LCP).

I have a very small back yard though, so I can't get straw or hay back there. I was thinking of just using a sheet of plywood propped up on the back fence as a backstop but we would be shooting at a box with paper targets on it so it will trap most of the BBs.
I am mostly worried about hitting the fence. We have those PVC fences(not a fan) that might break if we hit it.

Re: Shooting a BB gun in back yard

Posted: Mon Jun 21, 2010 2:32 pm
by Johnny Polite
I just reread that and I am a bit long-winded.

(On a long-winded note, this post puts me at enough to post classifieds on the forum. Now to look for a Commander-Sized 1911...)

Re: Shooting a BB gun in back yard

Posted: Mon Jun 21, 2010 2:37 pm
by seamusTX
BBs bounce off every hard surface. (Don't ask me how I know.)

A box of wet newspaper is a pretty good backstop for BBs, but it falls apart and rots.

Airsoft or paintball is less potentially harmful but more expensive.

- Jim

Re: Shooting a BB gun in back yard

Posted: Mon Jun 21, 2010 4:22 pm
by StewNTexas
When I got my grandson a Red Ryder, I made a backstop from some old ceiling tiles. I knew they would be soft enough to absorb the bb's, and not allow them to bounce back. They are also dense enough so you can use thumb tacks to fasten targets into place. Every big box store sells them, and if you ask the salespeople, they will often sell you pieces that have broken corners or stains for next to nothing.

I used the tiles that are 2' x 4', making a target frame large enough so that there are very few 'misses'.

As my entire backyard is fenced, I did not ask anyone's permission.

Re: Shooting a BB gun in back yard

Posted: Mon Jun 21, 2010 5:31 pm
by dcphoto
If you are going to use a piece of plywood as a backstop make sure to lean it forward (towards shooter) so BBs are redirected down into the ground. If it's vertical it will bounce BBs back at you (don't ask how I know) and leaning away from you will send them vertical. Even though they are BBs they can still do damage to people downrange.

Probably the best thing to do with limited space is a pellet trap. You can buy them, or just google pellet trap plans or homemade pellet trap for lots of ideas. Also, I wouldn't use plywood less than 1/2 inch. 3/4 inch would be even better. Even those small BBs can make it through 3/8s of an inch of plywood. Once again, don't ask... :cheers2:

Re: Shooting a BB gun in back yard

Posted: Mon Jun 21, 2010 6:57 pm
by texjames
MojoTexas wrote:Also, you might look into the Gamo Whisper air rifles. I've been thinking about picking one up.

They come with a built-in "noise dampener" that reduces the noise by roughly 50%, according to the description.

They're definitely more of an upper-end air rifle aimed at an adult audience, but if you're worried about nosy neighbors, or you want to do a little surreptitious "pest removal" (e.g., shooting squirrels in your bird feeder), it might be just the ticket.

Here's a link:

MojoTexas :txflag:
I have a Gamo Whisper and they are quiet with the lead pellets .177 cal and 1000 FPS but Gold PBA pellets go 1200 and are pretty loud.
I shot mine inside the garage...30 feet. My neighbor accross the alley shoots a pump up pellet rifle all the time.Nobody around here complains.

Re: Shooting a BB gun in back yard

Posted: Mon Jun 21, 2010 8:28 pm
by Beiruty
In our city as well as most cities in TX, it is an infraction. You cannot shoot BB guns. If you ask your PD, you will hear the same. Enforcement maybe another issue. The risk if an errant BB hit someone you are liable and at fault (legally).

Re: Shooting a BB gun in back yard

Posted: Mon Jun 21, 2010 10:05 pm
by jester
Johnny Polite wrote:Who, specifically do I call to see if it is legal to shoot a BB gun in my back yard?

We called the police on new years eve because there was a group of people shooting off fire works on our street (we don't mind that they were shooting the fireworks but they do this every 4th of July and new years eve and they NEVER clean up the mess they make). When we called they said that it was legal for them to shoot off the fire works.

That makes me think that it shouldn't be a problem for BB guns.
Based on your previous call, I would call the police non-emergency line on my cell phone to complain about neighborhood kids with BB guns.

If the police say it's legal and there's nothing they can do, it sounds like I have carte blanche to shoot in my backyard.

If they transfer me to someone to take my complaint, I can say the kids are gone now so never mind.

Re: Shooting a BB gun in back yard

Posted: Wed Jun 23, 2010 3:06 pm
by STI Shooter
When I taught my son to shoot (age 5) I used out of date phone directories in side a card board box. Leave some space and the BB's will bounce (if they don't penetrate the books) and remain captured inside the box. This worked fine for a Daisy lever action BB gun, but may not work with some of the more powerful pellet rifles now on the market.