Posted: Tue Jun 15, 2010 9:11 am

In my entire life I haven’t had an original thought, and don’t expect this one is any different. But, if it helps out any of you guys (or gals) then, here goes.
Now, before any of you ladies go medieval on me, I’m a guy. I think like a guy (when I think at all) so, if I say anything that sounds sexist or manipulative, just remember….. I don’t know any better. I’m a guy. Besides the root of the word “manipulative” is “MAN”.

My beautiful Bride got her CHL, last year, along with my youngest daughter but, she doesn’t carry much. She qualified with her XD sub-compact and shoots well with it but, seems to have some problems with manipulating the slide and such. Her hands are small and not very strong so… I’ve been on a mission to find her a gun that she is comfortable with, fits her hand and shoots well (translation: “buy a new gun”).

On one of our trips to the range, I got out a Glock 26, Glock 19 and her XD side by side and encouraged her to shoot all three. After about 100 rounds, or so, she seemed to be gravitating towards the G26 (my primary summer carry). She shot well with it and had no trouble racking the slide and, well, she kept going back to it.

On the next trip, she shot the G19 and the G26 and didn’t even get her XD out of the bag. She still seemed to be the most comfortable with the 26. Both guns are outfitted the same with TruGlow TFO night sights, extended slide release (for short thumbs) and a 3.5 lb. trigger.
It occurred to me that I was fixin’ to lose my G26 so, I decided to take advantage of the situation. A few nights later, we had a conversation that went something like …..
Me: “You seem to be very comfortable with that Glock 26 and you shoot very well with it. What do you think about taking it as your carry weapon?”
She: “Well, yes, I do like it but isn’t that your carry gun? What would you do?”
Wheels turning… lights flashing… buzzers and bells goin’ off… don’t screw this up, Zeke!
Me: “My primary concern is your safety. I can just carry one of the others, until we can afford something else.”
She: “Or you could just go out and get that Glock 36, you’ve been eyeing.”
Touchdown! With the extra point! I now have a G36 in my collection.

I must confess that throughout the above exchange, I was worried that she was going to fall off the dern sofa, she was laughing so hard at my thinly veiled ulterior motive. But she let me have it anyway. I love my wife!

I don’t know if this approach will work for any of you, but thought it was worth relating.