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Posted: Sun Aug 20, 2006 11:48 am
by jbirds1210
I would like to purchase my 14 year old sister a .22 rifle for her birthday. She is a tall girl for her age. Anyone have suggestions on a quality 22 bolt action rifle. I do not want to spend a fortune on this rifle. If she likes it and is willing to go shoot, I will upgrade at Christmas. I believe that the little Chipmunk rifles would be too short for her. Thanks in advance.
Re: Suggestions....please!
Posted: Sun Aug 20, 2006 1:14 pm
by Tom
jbirds1210 wrote:I would like to purchase my 14 year old sister a .22 rifle for her birthday. She is a tall girl for her age. Anyone have suggestions on a quality 22 bolt action rifle. I do not want to spend a fortune on this rifle. If she likes it and is willing to go shoot, I will upgrade at Christmas. I believe that the little Chipmunk rifles would be too short for her. Thanks in advance.
I picked up a new Marlin 25N a couple of years ago in SA at the monthly gun show for about $130.
I put an old 4X scope on it and after shooting a bunch of different loads settled on the WIN SuperX
(X22LRH) 37 gr HP. It is my squirrel gun and is amazingly accurate. You would not need to upgrade
for a better 22 with this model.
Kind Regards,
Posted: Sun Aug 20, 2006 5:08 pm
by Madsmiley
I picked my nephew up a bolt action .22 for xmas last year..On thing I strongly recommened is to have her shoot open sights for the first couple of years before moving up to optics..
Posted: Sun Aug 20, 2006 8:13 pm
by aguyindallas
If you want to skip the simplicty of say a bolt action gun, I would go with a 10/22.
It will last a lifetime and if she gains some real interest, she can customize the heck out of it and compete with it.
With that said....sadly, I have never owned one.
Posted: Tue Aug 22, 2006 12:59 pm
by AV8R
I bought a 10/22 for my daughter a couple of years ago (when she was 13) and she has loved it. After floating the barrel, which had a manufactured interference at the front of the stock, the rifle shoots better than dime-size groups at 25 yards with Remington high-velocity, a lot of fun for the money. Her older brother's Marlin, a tubular magazine bolt action with a straight barrel, is a fine shooter as well and makes a great first rifle.
Posted: Tue Aug 22, 2006 1:45 pm
by Braden
The Ruger 77/22 is an excellent little bolt action rifle. The 10/22 is also a very good choice if you want a semi-auto. I'll probably get the 10/22 for each of my boys as their first rifle as soon as they're old enough. Those are some great little plinkers and nice little varmit guns too.