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New Kahr P 45 Break-In report

Posted: Sat Aug 12, 2006 6:46 pm
by nuparadigm
I just fired the manual-suggested 200 round "break-in" for a new Kahr P45.
This photo is of the 2nd 100 rounds fired @ 15 yards. This weapon is so accurate that it's scary. Rounds used for break-in were as follows:
50 rds. PMC 230 gr. ball
50 rds. my loads (230 gr. ball w/ CCI primers & 5.7 gr. of 231)
50 rds. Wolf 230. gr. ball
50 rds. Federal's "American Eagle" 230 gr. ball

There were 2 FTF's on my loads (CCI primers are notoriously hard). Everything else worked well. There was a guy next to me - for a while - shooting a .500 S&W. Then he switched to a ported .357 snubbie ... I'm glad that I was wearing plugs and muffs.

I'm extremely impressed with this little Kahr. Reasonably priced spare magazines would be a huge plus. It just came back from the factory because of the slide failing to lock open ... seems as if they've got it fixed.

Posted: Sat Aug 12, 2006 6:57 pm
by jbirds1210
Nice shooting....I continue to hear great things about Kahr...I might have to try one someday!

Posted: Sat Aug 12, 2006 7:40 pm
by Cosmo 9
I love my PM 9 if the 1911 bug doesn't get me first I might have to try the P 45. I tried to talk my father in law into one but it didn't work :lol:

Posted: Sat Aug 12, 2006 9:15 pm
by flintknapper
I shot a P-9 a couple of months ago and was very impressed (I don't impress easily).

I am not surprised to see that level of accuracy, good shooting!

My Daughter will be taking her concealed carry class in March of '07, and thus far the Kahr P-9 or a H&K P-2000 look like strong contenders.

I have not had the H&K in hand yet, but after just 6 rounds through the little Kahr...I knew it was a mighty fine weapon.

Also, FWIW....I do the "Break-In" part of any new weapon by simply cycling the action by hand. I use jewelers rouge on the contact areas of the slide and frame, and polish the breech face before the first round is fired (clean weapon afterward). After that, 200+ rounds is only to prove "reliability", or the propensity of the firearm to feed certain cartridges.

Great group there! Big thumbs up.

Posted: Sat Aug 12, 2006 9:20 pm
by pastor1
I carry my P40 covert daily

Posted: Sat Aug 12, 2006 9:23 pm
by ElGato
What are the P9's going for, I'm thinking of trying one?

Posted: Sat Aug 12, 2006 9:26 pm
by texas_archer
I picked up a PM40 from a guy here in Houston and couldn't get 3 rounds out of the gun without it jamming. Gave up on Kahr for awhile but Im about to go pick up a Kahr MK9 Elite. Hopefully, I will have better luck with that.

Posted: Sun Aug 13, 2006 4:20 am
by RPBrown
Kahr did have a few problems a while back, both with guns and personel.

I have a PM40 that I had to send back because the slide was locking back after evey round. Now have about 1000 rounds thru it without a hiccup.

I carry it evey day either as primary or BUG. Great little pocket gun (except with Wranglers)

Posted: Sun Aug 13, 2006 6:04 am
by HighVelocity
Nice shootin'! :grin:

Posted: Sun Aug 13, 2006 6:08 am
by nuparadigm
ElGato wrote:What are the P9's going for, I'm thinking of trying one?
I've seen prices on P9's at around $520. People are asking a little more for the PM9. (some PM9's have had peening problems, but that seems to have been worked-out now).

Posted: Sun Aug 13, 2006 9:15 am
by age_ranger
I just picked up a CW9 and have been very impressed. Accuracy is outstanding and I've broken it in with over 1000 rounds of WWB with ZERO malfunctions. It's now my primary carry piece and I coudn't be happier!!

Posted: Sun Aug 13, 2006 10:04 am
by Glockamolie
+1 to the CW9! I paid $389 for mine at the Pasadena gun show a few months ago. I shoot it as well as my G19 - which ain't too bad. I carry mine in a Sparks Watch Six, and it's comfortable enough to wear all day every day. I have seen the phrase, but have NEVER found a gun worn IWB that I could have said, "You could forget you're wearing it." I can truly say that with the CW9. Highly recommended!

Posted: Mon Aug 14, 2006 9:30 pm
by ElGato
I am sure glad to hear good thing's about the CW9, when I said last Saturday that I was thinking about getting a Kahr, well when I start thinking about a gun it's not long before I have it, like the next day.

I have worked the slide about 500 times and loaded the last two rounds in the magazine maybe 20 times, it's starting to feel pretty good. When I dry fire with snap-caps the trigger is a lot better than I expected, but the top of the trigger will bite if I use the pad to the joint. I was afraid it would have a trigger like a Kel Tec 9, but this is much better.

I won't have a chance to shoot it untill later this week.

Posted: Fri Aug 18, 2006 6:54 am
by ElGato
I'm impressed, this little CW 9 Kahr may be much more gun than I expected :o I was in a hurry and only had time for 150 rounds, 100 Winchester white box and 50 Blazer Brass, 149 X's on a B-27 at 7 yds.
A nice trigger and no malfunctions. I'll try to run some HP's through it today.

There may be a couple of problem's in the making, my wife picked it up off my desk and said '' This gun feels better in my hand than anything we have, if it's a shooter I want it'' then later Tami [ Daughter ] stop's by and when I tell her about testing the Kahr she pick's it up and go's Hummmm and give's me that Daddy I might like this, look [ you Dad's with Daughter's know the look I'm talking about ] ;-)

Posted: Fri Aug 18, 2006 8:14 am
by bauerdj
Maybe you can get a discount if you buy two? Otherwise I think you are going to lose the CW9.

Dave B.