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Boy Given Three Days Suspension for Bringing Toy Gun

Posted: Tue Apr 26, 2005 10:04 am
by Paladin
"Boy Given Three Days Suspension for Bringing Toy Gun to School
( Air Date: 4/25/2005 )

A boy who brought a toy gun to school last week was sent home for three says as a punishment. Beaumont Independent School District spokesperson, Jolene Ortego, told Hometown News on Monday the boy was found with a non-working plastic toy gun in his backpack last Thursday at French Elementary School.

The Beaumont Police Department was asked to dispatch an officer to the school after administrators learned of the discovery—at the time, police didn’t know the gun was a toy.

Ortego tells us even though the gun was a toy, the district cannot take any chances on the boy’s punishment.

The boy will return to school Tuesday." ... ws&id=8429


Ortego is just nuts. Even if it was against the rules, it hardly warrents a suspension. When I went to school, if you had toy you weren't supposed to, the teacher just took it. If you were lucky you got it back at the end of the day.

Re: Boy Given Three Days Suspension for Bringing Toy Gun

Posted: Tue Apr 26, 2005 2:09 pm
by RatMan
Paladin wrote:"Boy Given Three Days Suspension for Bringing Toy Gun to School ( Air Date: 4/25/2005 )
Zero Tolerance = Zero BRAINS!

Posted: Tue Apr 26, 2005 9:05 pm
by one eyed fatman
Why should the schools have to deal with the children when they can just call the cops? Our school system has really gone to hell.

Posted: Wed Apr 27, 2005 10:23 am
by Paladin
What really got me going on this one was the line "Ortego tells us even though the gun was a toy, the district cannot take any chances on the boy’s punishment"

I was like what???

But I think I've now broken the code.

Ortego is a "spokesperson". Not an administrator. At first they thought it was a real gun or a functional pellet gun. Turns out it wasn't. They'd already given the boy punishment for bringing a functional pellet gun to school... had a spokesperson instead of an administrator talk to the press to calm things down... and the line above basically translates as "we're not acting in the best interests of the child here, we're covering our [rear ends]."

Posted: Wed Apr 27, 2005 10:50 am
by RatMan
Paladin wrote:I was like what???
See my first reply above.