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Night Sights for S&W M&P?

Posted: Mon Aug 07, 2006 7:06 pm
by nitrogen
I finally got myself a nice, new M&P 9mm. I love it. It doesn't have the mag safety or the integral lock. Only thing it needs is some night sights.

Only I have no clue what type to put on it! I know somehow night sights get on this gun, but meprolight, trijicon, etc, doesn't seem to sell sights for this particular gun, unless S&W made it backwards compatable with an older model.

Any of you more learned folk know what I can actually put on this pistol?

Posted: Tue Aug 08, 2006 6:08 am
Sights are coming for the M&P but not yet available from after-market dealers. Novak will have their out this month, Trigicon will be available in December. For now, the only source of M&P night sights is the factory.

You have purchased a very good pistol.