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Kahr PM9 or PM40 for Pocket Carry??

Posted: Sun Jul 23, 2006 2:31 pm
by Braden
For reasons that don't matter in this thread, I can no longer carry my G22 OWB to work like I used to be able to do. As a result, I am looking for a good pocket pistol.

I know the Kahr PM9 is very popular for pocket carry so I am giving it some serious thought (by the way, is it pronounced "car" or "care" or what??).

Another option I'm considering is the PM40.

Dimentionally, they're almost identical with the PM40 being 0.05" longer and having a slide width that is 0.04" thicker. The height of both is the same at 4.0" per Kahr's website.

The PM9 has a capacity of 6+1 and the PM40 has a capacity of 5+1.

I'm looking for comments from people who have experience with either or both of these guns. I'm probably a little more interested in the PM40 since the .40 is a little more potent, but I think it may also be a bit hard to handle.

Your thoughts on either of these two guns for pocket carry are greatly appreciated.


Posted: Sun Jul 23, 2006 2:42 pm
by agdude
I bought the PM40. It was awesome, but wouldn't funtion properly. LOTS of FTF, FTE and failure to go into battery. Had kahr work on it and replace lots of parts, multiple times . . . It just never worked properly. I spoke with a few others around here that had the same pistol and most claimed the same problems. I took it to a local shop, disclosed it's problems, and traded for the PM9. I've never looked back. It is one of the most wonderful pistols I own. I've yet to have any sort of failure, it's accurate for it's size and carrys wonderfully. I would, and have, suggest it and give it my blessing. If you'd like to try it out, and live near Bryan/College Station you're more than welcome to. And when you get yours (I'm sure you will once you shoot it) I have a very nice SOB holster made by Ross leather for it that'd i'd like to sell/trade (after three uses I decided I don't like carrying SOB). Best of luck.

It's pronounced "car".


Posted: Sun Jul 23, 2006 2:47 pm
by txinvestigator
Coming from a guy who sees MANY of each, I'd go with the 9 also.

Posted: Sun Jul 23, 2006 2:51 pm
by Braden
Thanks Kevin, and Gig 'Em! :thumbsup:

Your report is the second one I've heard of a PM40 having problems (second one in the last 10 minutes I should say). Having owned and felt the recoil of a G27, I can't imagine that the PM40 would be very fun to shoot either.

EDIT: Thanks to you too txinvestigator. :)

Posted: Sun Jul 23, 2006 3:04 pm
by cyphur
Wow, not a cheap pistol! Looks like a nice weapon however. Good to hear a couple reviews on both!

Posted: Sun Jul 23, 2006 3:10 pm
by flintknapper
Several weeks ago I put 6 rounds through a P9 that a friend of mine owned at his request.

In only six rounds...I think I have fallen in love with that pistol (most unusual for me). It was amazingly accurate, felt good in the hand, and the trigger was not bad.

Since that time I have been reading up on the P9. My daughter will be 21 next June and wants to get her CHL. I would very much like for her to consider the P9, but the choice of carry weapon will be left entirely up to her (Dad will pay for it). :grin:

Any other comments and/or practical experiences with this pistol (good or bad) would be appreciated by me as well.

Posted: Sun Jul 23, 2006 6:44 pm
by Cosmo 9
When I bought my PM9 I was thinking BUG but it became my primary everyday every where. It's been flawless from the first round. the only quirk I have found is when loading the first round it likes to have the slide locked open mag inserted and then hit the release. They have a steep feed ramp. I have not shot a .40. Good luck with what you choose.

Posted: Sun Jul 23, 2006 7:18 pm
by The Marshal
My two buddies I shoot with carry the PM9 daily.
I almost got one myself, except I decided to get an XD-9SC.

No complaints from either of them about the pistol.
That, and they have others that they can carry, so I suspect that is a pretty good vote for the Kahr.


Posted: Sun Jul 23, 2006 8:38 pm
by agdude

The PM40 was a handful to shoot. Nothing to bad, but such a snappy round in such a small package was a lot. Not something I'd use as a regular range pistol. But the PM9 is very pleasant. The trigger is smooth and feels good on my finger. Not to snappy and recoil is very light. It's something I go and shoot 400-500 rounds during a range session with no problems. I've got better than 6000 down the pipe, and it's still flawless.

What Cosmo9 said about using the slide release to chamber a round it correct, but I don't consider that a faulty design. It's just something I expect in such a small pistol. Good job mentioning that Cosmo, I had completely forgot about it and I wish someone would have told me ahead of time... at first I thought something was wrong with it :oops:


Posted: Sun Jul 23, 2006 9:05 pm
by Braden
Thanks for all of the comments so far gentlemen. It sounds like the PM9 is probably the better choice between the two.

Posted: Mon Jul 24, 2006 6:39 am
by RPBrown
I have the PM40. Yes, I did have a few problems at first. Failure to go to full battery and then slide locking back after every round. Both times I sent it backto Kahr. Now have close to 1000 rounds after final repair with no failures. It is a bit snappy but managable.

Posted: Mon Jul 24, 2006 6:43 am
by Diode
Braden wrote:Thanks for all of the comments so far gentlemen. It sounds like the PM9 is probably the better choice between the two.
I looked into both of them when I wanted a pocket carry. I ran across the Kel-Tec P-11 9mm and for the price decided to try it out. So far it has worked great, might take a look at it.

Posted: Mon Jul 24, 2006 8:38 am
by Braden
I'm looking at the Kel-Tec P-11 and PF9 as well, but they're both a little larger than the Kahr PM9. Price will definitely factor into my decision though so unless I can find a good deal on a Kahr then Kel-Tec may be the way to go. I just can't see paying more for a Kahr than I would for a Glock when it's not as good of a gun.

Posted: Mon Jul 24, 2006 8:51 am
by Diode
Braden wrote:I'm looking at the Kel-Tec P-11 and PF9 as well, but they're both a little larger than the Kahr PM9. Price will definitely factor into my decision though so unless I can find a good deal on a Kahr then Kel-Tec may be the way to go. I just can't see paying more for a Kahr than I would for a Glock when it's not as good of a gun.
I really liked the Kahr alot. I can carry the P-11 in front pocket of my weekend shorts and in the rear pocket of my jeans. Before you buy a P-11,
if you haven't already read up on it here.

Lots of good info on the Kel-Tec's I found that the P-11 is not quite ready to shoot out of the box. It seems a little "Polishing" is a good idea when you first get it. I think they call it Fluff and buff, I did it before i ever fired mine. I guess for $213.00 a little polishing is not too much to ask. :)

Posted: Mon Jul 24, 2006 9:02 am
by djwdjw
I pocket carry a PM9. It's a very accurate shooter for me and I have not had any problems with it. Typically they require 500 rounds to break in, mine did.