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Pro-gun organizations?
Posted: Sat Jul 01, 2006 3:17 pm
by quidni
Besides the NRA, what other pro-gun organizations/entities (local, state or national) do you consider worthwhile, as far as considering membership? TSRA? GOA? Others?
If you could choose only one or two to join, which would your first choice be?
Second choice?
Posted: Sat Jul 01, 2006 3:38 pm
by Texasdoc
Mine are the TSRA and NRA. a close 3rd is KABA.
Posted: Sat Jul 01, 2006 3:48 pm
by jbirds1210
<--- Life Member TSRA....they don't waste money on mail preaching to the choir!
NRA is great and I am a loyal member. I suppose I prefer the TSRA because they are affiliated with the NRA and fund youth 4H events in the Texas. Thanks....
Posted: Sat Jul 01, 2006 4:10 pm
by res1b3uq
The NRA and the TSRA are my only paid memberships.
Posted: Sat Jul 01, 2006 5:17 pm
by BobCat
You might check the web sites of and - both are "national" orgainzations. SAF works with NRA sometimes on legal stuff - like the N.O. gun-grab lawsuites. JPFO is slightly more radical, publishes little booklets with reasoned arguments to sway fence-sitters.
Neither innundates me with junk mail. GOA does, even though I never "joined" per-se, just sent a contribution. NRA used to, but responed to my phone call to take me off their contribution mailing list - I send what I can, when I can, and now don't have to worry they're spending more on mailings than they're getting out of me. TSRA only asks once in a while, not obnoxious, and they do good work.
Posted: Sat Jul 01, 2006 5:44 pm
by sparx
Just NRA and TSRA (at this point at least... maybe others in the future perhaps... but on a rather tight budget).
Posted: Sun Jul 02, 2006 7:23 am
by RPBrown
Lifemember of TSRA and NRA. Member of GOA.
All are worthwhile and each has it's own qwuirks
Posted: Sun Jul 02, 2006 1:29 pm
by OverEasy
NRA, TSRA for sure!
Take a look at JPFO. They produced a very good DVD called "Innocents Betrayed" it's about governments disarming and killing thier own people.
Now they are working on a DVD about the BATFE. Our own government abusing citizens over gun ownership.
The 'Grandpa Jack' leaflets are very informative, not only about 2nd Amendment issues, but other rights also.
If you can't afford to support them or don't want to, you can still buy the leaflets. #2, "Can YOU Get a Fair Trial in America?". Should be read by everyone!
Regards, OE