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I am now Sig-less

Posted: Thu Jun 29, 2006 6:53 pm
by j1132s
I have successfully sold off the last of my sigs P226. While at the range someguy made me an offer and a few hours later, no more gun. I've own 2 sigs: P226 and SP2009, for a brief time I loved to shoot them and wanted more sigs.

Now I'm back to the Glock camp, it took me many years to come full circle. I guess it's better late than never.

For a while I was a BIG fan of the DA/SA action and would not buy any gun that isn't DA/SA. Now I'm back to the Glock safe-action (and 1911 SA). Although I've also gotten past my buying phase... so I'm still stuck w/ a lot of DA/SA pistols.

Posted: Thu Jun 29, 2006 7:16 pm
by Reysc
"Although I've also gotten past my buying phase... "

Well, I don't think any of us will get past that phase.. JMHO! ;-) ;-) I have both glocks and sigs and a 1911 and a few revolvers and I like them all. Glocks and Sigs are great guns and I still can't decide w/c one I will choose if given only one choice. For carry I have a G26 and a Sig 239 40 S&W and I can shoot the 239 better when it is in s/a but I also like the glock consistant trigger feel.. Anyway, I won't be surprised if you are missing at least some of your sigs and will end up with one in the the future... :grin: :grin:

Posted: Thu Jun 29, 2006 7:18 pm
by jbirds1210
Ya know.....I have become a near full time Glock addict as well. There was a time that if it did not say Sig on it.....I was not crazy about it. I love the way they feel and shoot, but when it comes down to what I think I can save my life ends up being the Glock. Sig really used to be the gun I compared others with.

I have not grown tired enough to sell either of my Sigs.....I think some religions consider that a cardinal sin :shock:

My P226 was my first "adult purchase" several years ago and it represents maturity and independence to me........