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What gun do you not like shooting?

Posted: Thu Mar 31, 2005 10:45 pm
by dws1117
Tonight I went shooting with a co-worker. Among the guns that he brought was a small Beretta .25. Not sure of the model, it is one of the ones with the tip up barrell.

He let me put a couple of magazines down range as I had never shot one. I couldn't hit squat with that gun. At 3 yards, my "group" looked more like a small shotgun pattern. I don't have large hands and this thing still felt like a little toy.

Guess that one is off the wanted list.

What gun or guns do you like but just don't like to shoot?

Posted: Fri Apr 01, 2005 8:21 am
by Braden
For me it's the Glock 27. My hands were too big for the grip and I couldn't get enough grip on it to keep the snap of the .40 under control (at least not very well). I was constantly having to adjust my grip on it. My Glock 22 is pretty snappy as well, but it has a full size grip and I can manage it very well.

Posted: Fri Apr 01, 2005 11:20 am
by OverEasy
The one I don't enjoy shooting is the Kel Tec P11 with +P loads. It's a fantastic carry piece because it is small and very light. It makes my hand hurt. I just shoot it enough to check the function and stay familiar with the trigger pull.
Next on the list is the Glock 33. The trigger rubs a sore spot on my finger, the recoil isn't bad at all.
What I like to shoot are SIGs and S&W revolvers.

Posted: Fri Apr 01, 2005 11:25 am
by ElGato
The Kel-Tec, I shot a P-11 right out of the box with a friend and thought it
had the worst trigger of any handgun I had ever shot, then about a year later a student who had just qualified with a new P-40 asked me if I would let him have a quarter and when I gave it to him he handed me the P-40 in the box, I tried about 20 rds. and then gave it to a friend whose nephew needed a handgun and didn't have one. The trigger on the 40 wasn't nearly as bad as the P-11 but it was bad enough that I didn't want to shoot it or use it as a loaner.
I know there are folks out there that love their Kel-Tec's, thats why they make them, we don't all like the same thing.

Posted: Fri Apr 01, 2005 11:35 am
by onerifle
Full-house .357 loads in any "snubbie". They just plain hurt :x
Shot a short barreled Ruger SP101 at Texas Shooters (I think) years strong side wrist was sore for a coupla days. I'd rather shoot .38+p in a small frame, IMHO...

Smith & Wesson Mod. 37 Airweight

Posted: Fri Apr 01, 2005 12:10 pm
by Charles L. Cotton
My wife used to carry a Smith Mod. 37 Airweight in .38 Special that weighs something like 15 ounces. It is a miserable gun to shoot! She loved the weight, but I made her quit carrying it, because she wouldn't practice with it. She'd shoot her 1911 in .45 ACP, but not the Mod. 37. I couldn't blame her, I won't shoot it either.

It was better with Pachmayr grips, but that defeated one of the gun's advantages, the small standard factory wood grips. We still have it, but man I really hate that gun!


Posted: Fri Apr 01, 2005 12:57 pm
by dws1117

Was that with reular .38 or +P?

What do ya want for it? :D

Posted: Fri Apr 01, 2005 4:48 pm
by MoJo
Several come to mind - - - of what I own I'm not too fond of the KelTec P3AT. Great little gun but, with some loads, a 2" .357 J frame with Federal 125s in it is more pleasant to shoot

edit: I found a load that isn't too brutal to practice with - - - Winchester USA "White Box" 95 gr FMJ value pack. The bullet in this load is a truncated cone and feeds real well in the P3AT. Round nose tend to feed erratically in this gun. The CorBon 90 gr JHP is still a handful!

Posted: Fri Apr 01, 2005 9:23 pm
by Charles L. Cotton
dws1117 wrote:Was that with reular .38 or +P?
Regular .38 Special. I've either sold or traded 6 or 7 guns over the years and I've always regretted it. So, that miserable hand-buster gets to stay by default.


Posted: Fri Apr 01, 2005 10:42 pm
by dws1117
That's ok. Any gun purchases for the forseeable future will be vetoed by the wife. She is wanting another child, and somehow she thinks that is more important that expanding my gun collection. :?

Posted: Sat Apr 02, 2005 6:13 pm
by Chris
Charles L. Cotton wrote:
dws1117 wrote:Was that with reular .38 or +P?
Regular .38 Special. I've either sold or traded 6 or 7 guns over the years and I've always regretted it. So, that miserable hand-buster gets to stay by default.

mine is a pussycat with .38s. i have a smith 640 in .357 magnum with the two finger hogue bantam grip. i can shoot it all day long with .38s, but i'm only good for a box of .357s before i start tearing up.

Posted: Sat Apr 02, 2005 7:06 pm
by HighVelocity
I don't enjoy shooting my NAA .32 Gaurdian. It serves it's purpose as a pocket gun well but my hands are pretty big and the little gun leaves train tracks on my hand. It's a little better with the pinky extension on the magazine.

Posted: Mon Apr 04, 2005 1:22 pm
by Paladin
I had a bad experience with a Ruger .44 magnum once. Messed up one of my fingers for a while.

There was one .22 revolver (don't remember which one) I didn't like shooting, simply because the trigger guard was so small and my hands are so big that it was uncomfortable.

Years ago, the slide on a compact Glock .40 cal bit my hand. Have been a lot more careful since and have shot plenty of other Glocks without incident. Glocks are just a little unforgiving if you don't hold them properly.

guns I don't like to shoot.

Posted: Thu Apr 07, 2005 10:41 pm
by Jungle Work
Don't know. I never met a gun I didn't like.

Jungle Work

Posted: Fri Apr 08, 2005 1:35 am
by Baytown
Glock 27, and Remigton 870 w/ slugs when fired from prone.
