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Holster problem

Posted: Wed Jun 14, 2006 11:37 pm
by jbirds1210
A constant fear of mine came true a few nights ago. As many of you know, I carry a G26, Don Hume (open top, clip version) on a Galco belt.

I had a situation very late at night in which I honked my horn at someone driving like an idiot...he did not care for my honking so he let me know this in some very rude, un10-year old friendly words and did a quick U-turn to come back in my direction.

At this point (1AM) I discreetly attempted to remove my weapon from my holster and put it in a better position should I be attacked. I produced the whole rig......holster and all. I am absolutely CERTAIN that my holster was being worn properly. I had the lip on the clip folded under the belt properly. The back edge of the seatbelt applied just enough pressure to release the entire holster upon draw. I have drawn from this holster a thousand times conservatively and this is the first time I actually might have needed it. It did not work as planned. Everything turned out alright, but I had to make an immediate decision...that was to get on the internet and order a new freakin holster!

To make a long story short.....I now own a new Don Hume holster with belt snaps. As I once heard HighVelocity say "For all of you non-believers", the holster will be up for trade in the appropriate forum!

Posted: Thu Jun 15, 2006 7:13 am
by MoJo
I've seen more than one paddle or belt clip holster come out during presentation during IDPA events. Most often it's caused by improper use of the paddle/clip or belt related. I am a big fan of belt loops or locking type paddle holsters.

edit: Mr. Murphy is alive and well - - - as your story so ably illustrates.

Posted: Thu Jun 15, 2006 7:56 am
by Kalrog
MoJo wrote:edit: Mr. Murphy is alive and well - - - as your story so ably illustrates.
End of the world and the only thing left alive will be Murphy and cockroaches.