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Not the way I would do it

Posted: Sat Nov 22, 2008 2:20 pm
by ScubaSigGuy
I visited the local indoor range yesterday so that I could sight-in an AR at 25 yards for tomorrows IDPA match. Needless to say that at 7:30 on a Friday night the place was packed. For the first time ever I had to wait to use the rifle range (They only have two). While I was waiting I rolled through the store and heard some pretty interesting conversations. Several of the folks there were buying what sounded like their first firearm, or first in a long time. Now this place is not known for being the best prices around, and sometimes for not even having reasonable prices. But, what I saw yesterday was out of hand. $39.99 for Bushmaster 30 rd, mags??? :banghead: Rifles that went up $500 in price over a few weeks and some that nearly doubled in price??? I am all for free enterprise and of course understand supply and demand, but what about taking care of your customers? Ammo was much higher than their usually inflated prices as well. I am all for supporting a local business, but I don’t like them taking advantage of people. Just because you can sell it for more than you did a few weeks ago doesn’t mean that you have to. In the last week I have had the pleasure of dealing with several honorable companies such as Sporting Arms (a local company in Lewisville), Knesek Guns in AR, Brownells, and Bud’s. All of these companies could have charged me a premium for what I bought, but not one of them took advantage of the situation.

Brownells for instance has an overwhelming demand for PMags and could easily raise their prices and get away with it. MagPul has not raised their wholesale prices, so Brownells has kept their retail price the same and is filling orders just as fast as they can. At the same time I have seen several who are charging $6 or $7 more per magazine. Companies like the ones I have named will continue to get my business and I will recommend them to those that I know, long after this situation levels out. As for my local range, unless I absolutely have to have it, they won’t get any business from me except for range fees, targets, and an occasional set of foam ear plugs.

All of these companies have an oppurtunity here, some see it and some have blown it.

I have heard the argument that the owners are afraid that Obama will put them out of business, so they have to make thier money while they can and I am just not buying it. Tin foil hats aside, nothing is changing anytime soon, and more time should be spent educating those buyers on how we can work together to preserve our rights.

I understand when the manufacturers and distributors raise prices then there is no choice but to raise prices, but there isn't a reason to increase your profit margin by a few hundred percent.


I am certain that most of you have witnessed this same thing, and some have paid these high prices, but I had to vent, so there it is.

Re: Not the way I would do it

Posted: Sat Nov 22, 2008 3:15 pm
by bridge
I was at The Arms Room in League City picking up my newest handgun and noticed they had the 30 rd mags behind the counter for $19.99. They were quite busy as well, and Jim the owner was there doing what he could to help out. Turns out that entailed going to the convenience store and getting all his folks something to drink :tiphat: Good folk over there, I'd never expect them to price gouge anyone.

Re: Not the way I would do it

Posted: Sat Nov 22, 2008 3:18 pm
by QB
I agree. Sporting Arms prices are still based on the same % profit that they did before Obama got elected.

Re: Not the way I would do it

Posted: Sat Nov 22, 2008 3:21 pm
by KFP
I completely agree with you!!! I have a pretty good idea about the range you're talking about and have refused to give them any of my business. I did however recently send someone there to buy a Glock as they (surprisingly) had the best price in town on it - I also told them to only buy the gun there, not anything else because the prices are much higher than businesses similar to those that you've mentioned. He was hesitant to go the online route, which would have saved him $50, but to each his own. Hopefully gun owners will remember how each gun shop handled this time and will continue to do business with those that deserve respect.

Re: Not the way I would do it

Posted: Sat Nov 22, 2008 4:27 pm
by Hos
They're just going to lose customers so it'll backfire (hopefully), it is frustrating though. It seems that some people lose their minds when it comes to guns, I guess if they're not used to them. E.g. If you go buy a car then you're going to get knowledgeable and shop around, not buy the first high priced one. Same for a gun, clip, ammo, etc. Buyer beware.

Re: Not the way I would do it

Posted: Sat Nov 22, 2008 4:59 pm
by Bart
If they're selling to panic buyers, why shouldn't they charge what the market will bear? Most of the panic buyers will never be regular customers anyway and probably don't belong to TSRA, NRA. GOA or any other gun rights organization so I don't see any reason to cut them a break. Let the chicken littles pay $2000 for an AR that will either drop in price in a year if it's still legal or get banned and have no market value.

Re: Not the way I would do it

Posted: Sat Nov 22, 2008 7:59 pm
by The Annoyed Man
Bart wrote:If they're selling to panic buyers, why shouldn't they charge what the market will bear? Most of the panic buyers will never be regular customers anyway and probably don't belong to TSRA, NRA. GOA or any other gun rights organization so I don't see any reason to cut them a break.
I'm a lifetime NRA member and a member of the TSRA. My son is a member of both, also. We already owned 2 AR15 varmint rifles. In response to the situation, we bought 2 short barreled upper assemblies, 2 bolt/carrier assemblies, 2 stripped lowers, 2 lower receiver parts kits, 2 collapsible stocks, and 2 holo-sights. In total, we spent between $700 and $800 for each of the 2 assembled rifles, which we would not have spent at this time had Obama not won the election. We now own 4 AR15s between us.

Now you can call me a panic buyer if you want to, particularly when we already had a safe full of guns. But I'm convinced that A) I did the right thing; and B) I spent my money wisely.

Re: Not the way I would do it

Posted: Sat Nov 22, 2008 8:45 pm
by AEA

I kinda think I know the range/shop you are talking about. I got my first CHL there. I have never liked their prices on anything. Even in the past, their prices were in my opinion too high.

Then one day I bought a NEW Pistol from them and after getting it home, i determined that it was in fact a USED Pistol! I called/emailed and complained and they finally agreed to take it back, but I couldn't be bothered going back in there and just sold the gun as used. It was OK, but I wanted a NEW one and that is what I thought I was buying. It just P'd me off........

Anyway, I have not been back there since and I doubt that I will ever go there unless you invite me there to shoot with you and if YOU PAY! :smilelol5:

Re: Not the way I would do it

Posted: Sat Nov 22, 2008 10:30 pm
by KBCraig
Bart wrote:If they're selling to panic buyers, why shouldn't they charge what the market will bear? Most of the panic buyers will never be regular customers anyway and probably don't belong to TSRA, NRA. GOA or any other gun rights organization so I don't see any reason to cut them a break. Let the chicken littles pay $2000 for an AR that will either drop in price in a year if it's still legal or get banned and have no market value.
Exactly, you beat me to it.

The people who are buying for the first time, or for the first time in years, are not "customers", they're just purchasers. Regular customers are people who've paid attention and knew all this was coming, so they have already bought what they need, or have enough to carry them through.

If retailers don't raise their prices in response to demand, they'll soon having nothing to sell to anyone at any price.

I wonder how many decrying the price hikes, would have a safe full of stripped lowers, "Just in case!", if the price hadn't gone up drastically. Would they take advantage of the sure profit if a new AWB passed?

Re: Not the way I would do it

Posted: Sat Nov 22, 2008 10:52 pm
by LarryH
bridge wrote:I was at The Arms Room in League City picking up my newest handgun and noticed they had the 30 rd mags behind the counter for $19.99. They were quite busy as well, and Jim the owner was there doing what he could to help out. Turns out that entailed going to the convenience store and getting all his folks something to drink :tiphat: Good folk over there, I'd never expect them to price gouge anyone.

I agree with the last sentence.

Bill is the owner; Jim is the gunsmith.

Re: Not the way I would do it

Posted: Sun Nov 23, 2008 1:10 am
by ScubaSigGuy
Why should someone be taken advantage of if they are just now buying a pistol or rifle for the first time? Profit is not a dirty word as long as it's a fair profit.

What if you were just coming of age, maybe just turning 21 or 22 and thought that while it might not normally be in your budget to purchase a gun, you felt compelled to make sacrifices to do so in light of the political winds?

Re: Not the way I would do it

Posted: Sun Nov 23, 2008 2:06 am
by Hos
I here you but no one said capitalism is fair to the uninformed. Research is the key to anything we buy. I remember when I started shooting I got my ammo at the gun store as opposed to Academy which is literally 60% cheaper. Who's fault was that? Wasn't the gun store IMO.

Re: Not the way I would do it

Posted: Sun Nov 23, 2008 2:20 am
by Mike1951
As I've posted in other forums. We should remember every dealer that is gouging and never spend another dime with them!

Likewise, remember the dealers who are not gouging and give them all of our future business.

It's their choice to gouge! It can be our choice to make them pay dearly for it!

Re: Not the way I would do it

Posted: Sun Nov 23, 2008 8:44 am
by Liberty
Mike1951 wrote:As I've posted in other forums. We should remember every dealer that is gouging and never spend another dime with them!

Likewise, remember the dealers who are not gouging and give them all of our future business.

It's their choice to gouge! It can be our choice to make them pay dearly for it!
You could always just wait untill supply catches up with demand. Lets face it if the panic buyers are correct the dealers are making a last gasp chance at making a living. The buyers are creating the shortages. not the sellers.

Re: Not the way I would do it

Posted: Sun Nov 23, 2008 10:02 am
by flintknapper
Mike1951 wrote:As I've posted in other forums. We should remember every dealer that is gouging and never spend another dime with them!

Likewise, remember the dealers who are not gouging and give them all of our future business.

It's their choice to gouge! It can be our choice to make them pay dearly for it!
I think this is good advice and I understand your sentiments, however...I don't consider price increases on non-essential items, during a time of non-emergency, while the same item is available elsewhere... to be "price gouging". It is simply the free market system at work.

The market will bear the price or it will not. When enough people "walk away" the price will drop.

Something else that consumers might the possibility of increased cost to the vendor. If demand is so high that the vendor must purchase his goods from suppliers outside his normal venues...then he may well have incurred additional costs himself. By necessity he must pass on these costs to the consumer or suffer a loss of profit margin.

Basically, if you see marginally increased are probably just seeing the results of increased cost to the retailer. OTOH, if you see dramatically increased most likely is the intent of the vendor to profit as much as possible, for as long as possible. It remains your choice to participate or not.

My advice: JUST SAY NO!

Deal with those who continue to offer goods at reasonable prices and thank them for doing so. Also, take note of those who don't (I think it says something about them that I don't particularly like).