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XDM blues

Posted: Sun Oct 26, 2008 7:00 pm
by lunchbox
anyone unhappy with their XDM or is it all good stories

Re: XDM blues

Posted: Sun Oct 26, 2008 11:23 pm
by Greybeard
Unfortunately, the "blues" experience I had was being allowed to fondle one at Cabellas then having to give it back to them due to lack of funds for another toy. ;-)

Re: XDM blues

Posted: Sun Oct 26, 2008 11:40 pm
by G.A. Heath
I'm happy with mine, I intentionally limp wristed the gun in order to get a failure, the only failure out of that were my efforts as the gun worked flawlessly. Its in my carry rotation along with my compact 1911 and my 4" XD.

Re: XDM blues

Posted: Mon Oct 27, 2008 11:02 am
by DoubleJ
din't you trade yer Para for that?

Re: XDM blues

Posted: Mon Oct 27, 2008 11:14 am
by The Annoyed Man
I would consider one if they came in .45 ACP.

Re: XDM blues

Posted: Mon Oct 27, 2008 11:34 am
by DoubleJ
they will shortly. I'm sure it's next on the list.

Re: XDM blues

Posted: Mon Oct 27, 2008 6:47 pm
by lunchbox
DoubleJ wrote:din't you trade yer Para for that?
no i got an XD sub40

im looking at the XDM next all i have heard is good just wondering if there is any negative to speak of

Re: XDM blues

Posted: Tue Oct 28, 2008 10:07 am
by DoubleJ
I've heard nuthin' bad about it. if nothing else, it seems nice to not have to pull the trigger to take the gun apart.

The barrel is supposed to be pretty nice, I guess it somewhat depends on whether or not you like the new grips, too.

Re: XDM blues

Posted: Tue Oct 28, 2008 4:13 pm
by wtm
Hi Folks.......I am new to this forum and this is actually my first post.
Last year I bought an XD 9 SC and prior to receipt, did all the research planning to have to replace the fixed sights ( I have always had adjustable ). What a surprise when the first 5 from 3yds / 5 from 7yds / and 5 from 15 yds were all inside the 9....I saved the money on the sights. When I heard about the M, I couldn't wait to get one.
Last month for our 25th anniv. the wife let me get an XDM-40. After the first 200 rounds I was convinced that it shot about 2" left, elevation right on, at 15yds. Took it home and after cleaning, I replaced the rear grip insert from medium with the #3 larger insert. My hands aren't that large (I wear a Med. golf glove) but it made my fingers flat against the front of the grip vs. that area being gripped in the knuckle. That put me back on target without moving the rear sight.
Being our Silver Anniv. I talked here into the bi-tone slide and a Viridian Green Laser sight attachment. After sighting in, the last trip to the range produced 23/25 head shots with the laser from 15yds.
If I have one negative comment on the M-40 is that after a 175-200 rounds trip to the range, the tip of my trigger finger is a little sensitive caused by trigger safety system. This doen't occur with the XD 9, so I assume it is due to recoil.

Good Shootin'
S&W 4006 (40 S&W )
Ruger MK III Competition 6" bull
1910 Colt Bisley 45 Colt

Re: XDM blues

Posted: Mon Nov 17, 2008 9:54 pm
by lunchbox
does anyone make huge mags for these like they do the glock and what not

Re: XDM blues

Posted: Tue Nov 18, 2008 11:08 am
by grim-bob
I think I'm probably in the minority but I've tried holding a few of the XDM and find that it is less comfortable than my regular XD. I even tried it with different straps and whatnot. The original just feels better in my hand. I've not yet had the chance to shoot one yet so that might make a difference but from just picking one up I wasn't convinced I needed to change.

Not really a negative report as I think you should buy what feels comfortable to you. They just don't feel quite right in mine.

Re: XDM blues

Posted: Tue Nov 18, 2008 11:45 am
by Skiprr
MTICop reviewed his here last September, and I threw in a few of my own comments. I think what grim-bob is noticing in the different feel is altered tang-to-trigger distance on the frame, and that the grip inserts can make the backstrap feel distinctly different.

I have about 1,000 rounds through mine so far, and it's been rock solid. I do regret not getting the fiber-optic front sight right from the get-go, but I like the rear, Novack-style ramped sight. I got the bi-tone model XD(M) and after a few hundred rounds there was some minor discoloration at the very front of the slide, I assume just heat and carbon.

I'm not thrilled with the mag release. I thought it would loosen up a bit with use, but it's still pretty firm; takes a determined press of the thumb. My stock XD9 and XD45 both release easier.

That's about the extent of how picky I can get with it. Mags still seem to be in relatively short supply; I have 6 but want to pick up a few more in the near future. The 16+1 payload of .40 S&W is pretty impressive. I won't be buying one of the new XD(M)s in 9mm because I already have two XDs in that caliber. I have an XD45 Service, and just might pick up an M in .45 ACP when they come out. My expectation of the .45 will be a 14+1 or maybe even 15+1 capacity.