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Surefire MR07

Posted: Thu Mar 23, 2006 4:56 pm
by KinnyLee
What do you think of the new Surefire MR07? It's basically a rail adaptor for 1911s with no drillings, or tappings. ... e_mr07.htm

I think it's a bit pricey, but it is a good alternative from the Dawson unit or even buying a railed 1911. I wonder how strong is the slide stop. :cool:

Posted: Thu Mar 23, 2006 10:23 pm
by jimlongley
I have an experiential distrust of add-ons that utilize the slide stop pin and the front of the trigger guard. I mounted a sight on my Colt that way a while back and got (slight) problems with ejection (apparently it was too tight or out of round and causing the toggle to slow the slide as it reacheed its extreme travel) and I also found that as I tried to tighten it enough to maintain a relaiable zero, it was flexing the trigger guard.