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A Little story

Posted: Mon Feb 27, 2006 4:00 pm
by OverEasy
You all should get a kick out this one.

This is about 97% true.

I know a couple who have been married about 30 years. They came from a state where it was hard to own a gun so they had never had one.
Now in Texas, they decided maybe having a pistol in the house might be a good idea, for protection.
He went out and bought a S&W 38.
The problem that arose was, both of them were afraid the other one might get mad and shoot them. Or that the other one might get depressed and try and commit suicide.

The solution they came up with was, that HE hid the gun where she couldn't find it and SHE hid the box of shells where he couldn't find them. This way they could only use the gun by agreement for defensive purposes!

They haven't really worried about having to use the gun for awhile now.
A guy was installing an alarm in a new house down the street. They gave him $20 for a yard sign and some window decals. They sleep peacefully now not worring about breakins or actually having to use the gun.


Re: A Little story

Posted: Mon Feb 27, 2006 4:27 pm
by stevie_d_64
OverEasy wrote:You all should get a kick out this one.

This is about 97% true.
Whats happened to the remaining 3%???
I know a couple who have been married about 30 years.
If its been that long, and nothings happened...Why worry??? ;-)
The problem that arose was, both of them were afraid the other one might get mad and shoot them. Or that the other one might get depressed and try and commit suicide.

The solution they came up with was, that HE hid the gun where she couldn't find it and SHE hid the box of shells where he couldn't find them. This way they could only use the gun by agreement for defensive purposes!
Bingo, a 2 pound paper weight! Cool! :lol:
They haven't really worried about having to use the gun for awhile now.
A guy was installing an alarm in a new house down the street. They gave him $20 for a yard sign and some window decals. They sleep peacefully now not worring about breakins or actually having to use the gun.
Money well spent! :lol:

Yer right, I did get a kick outa this one...

Tell them you know a guy who encourages his wife to shoot, and to buy a gun...And lets her handle another man's piece...And like it... :lol:

And we plan on being married for at least another 50 years... ;-)

Piece of cake!

Re: A Little story

Posted: Tue Feb 28, 2006 8:22 am
by anygunanywhere
OverEasy wrote: The problem that arose was, both of them were afraid the other one might get mad and shoot them. Or that the other one might get depressed and try and commit suicide. OE
Did they hide the knives, garden tools, candlesticks, wrenches etc?


Posted: Tue Feb 28, 2006 9:10 am
by ElGato
I agree with them, They don't need a gun around!

Posted: Tue Feb 28, 2006 11:29 am
by Baytown
Yes. they do not need the gun, they need to give it to me post haste. :lol:
