Pre-read book sale----Richardson Texas
Posted: Thu Feb 10, 2005 6:14 pm
Book sale by the Richardson Schools at the Valley View Mall in Richardson. Today, (Feb10, 2005) Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Sunday, one can by books by the sack at $10 & $15. (Different size sacks?)
Paperbacks are going for $.75 each. Hardbacks individually priced. (I think)
I have made this sale for the last two years and they DO have enough books. A whole damn mall full, in fact. The sale has been moved to a new location this year. Bigger space.
CHL content of this post can be satisfied by the fact that I bought 'Texas Gun Owners Guide' there last year. :? One might even find something on Texas concealed carrying.
Paperbacks are going for $.75 each. Hardbacks individually priced. (I think)
I have made this sale for the last two years and they DO have enough books. A whole damn mall full, in fact. The sale has been moved to a new location this year. Bigger space.
CHL content of this post can be satisfied by the fact that I bought 'Texas Gun Owners Guide' there last year. :? One might even find something on Texas concealed carrying.