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TSRA show table schedule

Posted: Wed Feb 01, 2006 8:11 am
by RPBrown
The following people have committed to manning the table at the show this weekend:
RPBrown--Saturday--9 to Noon
Jbird1210--Saturday--2 to 4
DaveT--Sunday--10 to Noon (if his doctor lets him make the show)
TomC--Sunday--Noon to 2

If anyone else can take up some of the other times it would be greatly appreciated. If not the table will go unmanned for those times.

We look forward to meeting everyone and having a great time.

Even if you can't help with the table, be sure to stop by to introduce yourself and say hi. Looks like we will have a pretty good turnout from the pm's I've been getting.

Posted: Thu Feb 02, 2006 8:33 pm
by gigag04
I'm gonna start a roll call post. I should be there saturday at least.