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FTF Pro Carry II
Posted: Mon Apr 21, 2008 1:23 pm
by Aggie_engr
It seems after about 50 rds the slide won't engage fully. This was using white box ammo and after a fresh cleaning. After a mag is expended and the slide is locked back, you should be able to insert a new mag and press the slide release to catch and load a new round correct? I noticed the feed ramp looks pretty dirty but it should still operate after only 50 rds? Is anyone else having these probelms? When the gun is completely clean it will load as I described just fine?
Re: FTF Pro Carry II
Posted: Mon Apr 21, 2008 1:42 pm
by WarHawk-AVG
Brand spanking new all steel pistol?
Fire 50 clean, fire 100 clean, fire 100 clean, after 250-500 rounds it should run like a top. Keep it WEALL lubricated during the 1st 500 rounds too.
Even a brand spanking new pistol just like a highly tuned engine needs a bit of break in time (unless you have a plastic pistol)
You don't jump on a brand spanking new Harley or high performance sports bike without 1st running it mildly until everything wears evenly and once it starts to "break into itself" it will hum along
Re: FTF Pro Carry II
Posted: Mon Apr 21, 2008 3:43 pm
by Aggie_engr
Okay thanks. I have fired probably @ 250 rds through it already but I will give it some more time to break in and if it doesn't begin working properly then its going back to Kimber. I am currently not pleased with the performance and just may trade in for a plastic gun.
Re: FTF Pro Carry II
Posted: Mon Apr 21, 2008 4:39 pm
by Jeremae
1. Break in on a tight 1911 is generally considered to be 500 rounds with cleanings at least every 100 rounds.
2. All semi-automatic pistols that do not utilize shok-buf systems are less likely to have feed problems if slide lock is released using the slingshot technique(grab slide, pull back and release) rather than using the slide lock lever. Failure to go fully into battery (cartridge is stripped from magazine and loaded into chamber but slide does not continue fully forward to lock up) is probaly the most common problem that using the slingshot will correct.
3. You might consider having someone like do a fluff and buff.
Re: FTF Pro Carry II
Posted: Mon Apr 21, 2008 5:26 pm
by baboon
In Febuary I started to break in a brand new Les baer SRP. The way I went about it was by not cleaning it from Baer as they ship their guns drenched in oil. Shooting 250 rounds of 230 grain ball ammo then adding more oil & shooting another 250 rounds of the same. The oil & carbon act like a fine polishing compound.
I have a friend that was really mad when his brand new Kimber came shipped dirty. Claims he wouldn't ever buy another Kimber due to that fact. Gave the gun to his wife as it made him so mad.
Re: FTF Pro Carry II
Posted: Mon Apr 21, 2008 7:59 pm
by rm9792
Aggie_engr wrote: I am currently not pleased with the performance and just may trade in for a plastic gun.
Get thee behind me Satan!
Re: FTF Pro Carry II
Posted: Mon Apr 21, 2008 8:04 pm
by CompVest
baboon wrote:In Febuary I started to break in a brand new Les baer SRP. The way I went about it was by not cleaning it from Baer as they ship their guns drenched in oil. Shooting 250 rounds of 230 grain ball ammo then adding more oil & shooting another 250 rounds of the same. The oil & carbon act like a fine polishing compound.
I have a friend that was really made when his brand new Kimber came shipped dirty. Claims he wouldn't ever buy another Kimber due to that fact. Gave the gun to his wife as it made him so mad.
I hope he changes his mind and gets another Kimber - dirty - maybe I can have it!
Re: FTF Pro Carry II
Posted: Mon Apr 21, 2008 8:18 pm
by rm9792
I will take it and put with my flawlessly running Kimbers.
Re: FTF Pro Carry II
Posted: Mon Apr 21, 2008 8:49 pm
by TWL1972
Tried a new recoil spring?
My Pro Carry HD II started giving me fits as it passed 130 rounds with increasing instances of failure to return to full battery. Would hang about 1/8" out of battery. When I pushed the rear of the slide it would easily close and then fire. Same hang up on feeding next round.
Did some research on the web and bought an XP spring set from Wolff. Replaced stock spring with Wolff XP at 370 rounds.
Now at 775 rounds and NOT ONE PROBLEM in the 405 rounds since then. I love the gun now!
Re: FTF Pro Carry II
Posted: Tue Apr 22, 2008 6:03 am
by saj111
hang in there aggie. this is a familiar story with the 1911 pistols; some more than others. my ultra carry had the same problems until after about six hundred rounds. at that point they started disappearing and now it is smooth as a silk; or should i say smooth as a glock. keep shooting and cleaning. you will like the results.
i like my glock,but i love my 1911's. (no i don't want to marry it)
i have been buying the wilson mags because everything i've read and heard is they work better. they are more expensive but you don't have to keep buying them once you have enough. i have a colt combat commander and i bought chip mccormick mags for it and they seem very good also.
Re: FTF Pro Carry II
Posted: Tue Apr 22, 2008 8:33 am
by Keith B
Aggie_engr wrote: I am currently not pleased with the performance and just may trade in for a plastic gun.
Got a plastic S&W Allied Forces (Sigma) with a trigger job I would swap ya even for it!!

I have never had a FTF with it.

Re: FTF Pro Carry II
Posted: Wed Apr 23, 2008 7:04 pm
by stevie_d_64
Another consideration could be a socially, and an ego damaging reality, might be that it is a limp-wristing condition...
Now before you fire off a reply because that might be considered a sign of some "permanent" deficiency or other dreadful thing for me to say in these hallowed halls...
I admit to this being a problem for me at one time, and if someone says they have not (or never) had this happen to them, well, I might call you a big fibber! Yeah! I said it...
The only solution I know of is to grunt through it, keep shooting, cleaning, and shoot some more till it goes away...

Just do it!!!
Making changes to ammo, or other hardware changes might very well prolong the aforementioned unmentionable...Keep it consistant, and get through it, and eventually it goes away...There is no way to fix this, other than to get through it yourself...And if you look at it as a fun way (excuse) to get more range time...Well then, there you have it...
Good luck! I really hope it's not a hardware problem, with all of these fine examples of purchases we've all made recently...
Re: FTF Pro Carry II
Posted: Wed Apr 23, 2008 11:22 pm
by Winston33
Not to discourage you but, I bought brand new Pro CDP II earlier this year and it's been terrible. I'm at about 700 rounds of Winchester white box and it still FTFs, and hits me in the face with brass regularly. If I dont clean it every one hundred rounds - it barely runs. I broke it in just as Kimber recommened too. I've talked to several others on 1911forum that have the same problems. Very disappointng for the amount you pay. Of course I understand that this is "far" from normal performance (but apparently not that far), and Im still on the fence on whether to sell it or send it to Kimber. It's just that I've heard you can sometimes you get your slide back looking like its been in a bucket with 50 others. And then they send you some complimentary mags (of the highest quality by the way

) to say sorry. Oh and hollow points are just a joke. Wont even feed.
Re: FTF Pro Carry II
Posted: Thu Apr 24, 2008 6:23 am
by ElGato
My Kimber's don't run good on White box, they get dirty to the point of not working very quickly, when Roy Tipton retired I started shooting White Box and started having trouble, try some Blazer and see if they will run longer and better.
Worked for me.
Re: FTF Pro Carry II
Posted: Thu Apr 24, 2008 7:52 am
by KinnyLee
Only time I had problem with my Kimber is when my magazine base plate not seated properly. It was my fault, I took them apart earlier to clean them, but didn't put them back together correctly. I took them apart again and reseated them and never have problems afterwards.