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New store

Posted: Tue Jan 03, 2006 2:16 pm
by longtooth
Monday headline in Lufkin Daily Liberal Dribble was that Gander Mountain was looking at a prime location here that has just been vacated by Randal's. Now since I am a very untravelled home body I have never even seen one of these stores. I have heard you guys talk about them here some. All we have here is Academy (alittle over a yr now.) And Wal-Mart. (I only go there as a last resort) Then some really good Gunshops & pawn shops. What will we be blessed with if they do open :?: :patriot: Speak wise ones. Thank you.

Posted: Tue Jan 03, 2006 3:17 pm
by HighVelocity
Gander Mountain is one of the 400lb Gorillas of sporting goods. It's a BIG place. I've seen some good and some not so good deals there.
I like the place though overall.

Posted: Tue Jan 03, 2006 7:13 pm
by KBCraig
There will be some outstanding deals during grand opening week, but quantities will be limited on the really good buys.

Then they'll run occasional sales or in-store specials. Just today I was picking up a nice big Kingsford grill with cast iron grates for $89.99, regularly $120 (it was supposed to be one of my Christmas presents, but they sold out; I got the last of the new shipment).

They also had a table set up with 250 round packs of MagTech ammo in 9mm, .40, and .45 ACP. I think the price on the .45 was $53.49 or so; not enough to make me load up a shopping cart, but a decent price for 250 rounds.

Just as a point of reference on what I've been drooling over, they have Para Ordnance Warthog for $699, and Night Hawg for $869.

Gander Mountain is more gun-oriented than Bass Pro. They will buy used guns or take trade-ins, and they have a good variety of used guns for sale. The only truly laughable prices I've seen have been on some military surplus bolt action rifles. I have a C&R FFL and keep an eye on prices, and if I thought I could sell varnished-up Turkish M38 Mausers for $250 like GM is asking, I'd buy a boatload of 'em!

But I did bite my tongue and pass up a nice used Remington 597, heavy barrell, Weaver base, gray plastic stock, in .17 rimfire (HMR or Mach II; I don't remember), for only $89.

You'll spend too much time and too much money there. Not saying that's a bad thing, just a prediction. ;-)


Posted: Tue Jan 03, 2006 8:19 pm
by longtooth
Thanks gentlemen. KB, I may spend too much time in there but I am a major tight wad. Am satisfied w/ what I have. Shoot all I own & if I don't NEED it I don't have to have it. I really hope they get a store here. I have heard much about them. :grin: