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What's in YOUR cleaning kit?

Posted: Thu Jan 03, 2008 9:40 pm
by LedJedi
I thought this might be an interesting discussion to start. What do you guys have in your cleaning kit? Maybe i'm using something you might want to try or maybe you have the low down on something cool I should look into.

The photo below is my kit. It includes:
misc rods
cotton barrel mop
misc swaps and patches
cotton towel
hoppes silicone cloth (love that thing)
hoppes gun grease (extra lube between the slide and frame)
CLP Breakfree (lube and cleaner, GREAT stuff)
cheap gun oil and solvent that I don't really use anymore
Snap caps
I also have a dremel with a brass brush that I will occasionally break out for tough spots. (not pictured)

Apparently i need to clean under my desk :(

Re: What's in YOUR cleaning kit?

Posted: Fri Jan 04, 2008 8:48 am
by WildBill
In addition to the normal rods, brushes, jags, lubricants I have simliar stuff as LedJedi.

Some things that he didn't mention:
Birchwood Casey Gun Scrubber [for cleaning magazines]
Marvel Mystery Oil [for lubing magazines]
Q-Tips, Nitrile gloves, toothbrush, Sig Armorer's Tool,
and, or course Hoppes 9.

Re: What's in YOUR cleaning kit?

Posted: Fri Jan 04, 2008 9:04 am
by propellerhead
Air compressor.

Instead of using 100 Q-tips to dry it out after scrubbing with Hoppes, just blow it all out. Same thing after oiling. Blow off the excess.

Re: What's in YOUR cleaning kit?

Posted: Fri Jan 04, 2008 10:05 am
by Houston1944
Jags and rods for each caliber
Bore Guide
Butch's Bore Shine
Gun Oil
JB Compound
Nylon Brushes

MPro7 (for cleaning lead from barrels)
Weapon Shield (new stuff from original developer of FP10)
Jags, patches, brass brushes, rods for each caliber
Soft and Brass hand brushes
Q-tips ( both standard and the fancy ones you find in the ladies section. I like the ones with a flat end that fits perfect in the rails of a 1911)
Hard cotten q-tips from Brownells

Re: What's in YOUR cleaning kit?

Posted: Fri Jan 04, 2008 11:12 am
by Tactical_Texan_CHL
I have alot of Glocks. I just use the dish washer, then dab a little oil on there. Just kidding! I have a big plastic tool box from Wally World. It looks like I've got pretty much the same stuff in there as everybody else with a few exceptions. I've got a couple of different AR-15 tools, plus blocks for the upper and lower recievers. I also have a gunsmithing screwdriver kit, the cheap one from Wally World too, and a punch and brass hammer set, much nicer one from Brownell's. Half the time, I've got assorted little parts that I take off my AR's when I find something I just have to have like a new mag release, or bolt catch release, or new flash hider. The AR is my tinkering platform. I built my two, and two for my brother, which he actually qualified with and carries on patrol. I love the air compressor too! Makes things alot easier.

Re: What's in YOUR cleaning kit?

Posted: Fri Jan 04, 2008 11:25 am
I also utilize an air compressor. How much pressure are you fellas running?


Re: What's in YOUR cleaning kit?

Posted: Fri Jan 04, 2008 11:30 am
by Kalrog
KB5AKO wrote:I also utilize an air compressor. How much pressure are you fellas running?
I never thought of doing that, but I like the idea. Especially now that I have an air compressor.

Re: What's in YOUR cleaning kit?

Posted: Fri Jan 04, 2008 11:53 am
by propellerhead
I just lay an old towel across my lap and hold the frame or slide between my legs and blast away. Any excess cleaning fluid or lubrication is caught by the towel. The compressed air also helps in pushing the gun oil into hard to reach areas. This saves me from having to apply more oil than necessary.
KB5AKO wrote:I also utilize an air compressor. How much pressure are you fellas running?

When I was in the USAF, we could use compressed air to clean stuff. Protective eyewear was required up to 35 PSI. Above that, we had to wear the full face shields. Based on that, I use 30 PSI for general cleaning.

Re: What's in YOUR cleaning kit?

Posted: Fri Jan 04, 2008 4:09 pm
by striker55
Break-Free Bore Cleaning Foam, non toxic, copper remover. Fill barrel with foam, let sit for 15 minutes, the disolved copper turns blue. You can purchase it at Bass Pro Shops.

Re: What's in YOUR cleaning kit?

Posted: Fri Jan 04, 2008 7:17 pm
by Skiprr
Paper towels. Nobody's mentioned paper towels. :smile:

I've found myself using Militec more and more lately. My other oils are getting lonely. Tetra grease when I want something of a heavier consistency.

I also sorta fell out of the habit of using C&S's Dunk-Kit. Seemed like a great idea, but I often find myself cleaning two or three (or four) guns at a time, and it isn't as efficient for multiple guns ('course, someone might have a really big container). What I did start doing, though, is something similar: I got a tupperware container (square, about seven inches a side) with a good, tight lid, then dumped a 16oz bottle of Hoppes 9 into it. When I get home from a range trip, I field strip the pistols and drop the barrels into the Hoppes. Then if I don't get around to cleaning for a while, no problem. The barrels are taking a nice, safe bath. An hour's soak--I've even let them go overnight--and they clean out very nicely with only patches. I sometimes use nylon barrel brushes, but never brass unless I absolutely have to...and that's usually on the small caliber rifles, never pistols.

Re: What's in YOUR cleaning kit?

Posted: Fri Jan 04, 2008 7:45 pm
by SC1903A3
So, am I the only one that uses Ed's Red?

Re: What's in YOUR cleaning kit?

Posted: Fri Jan 04, 2008 7:59 pm
by WildBill
People have talked about Ed's Red on this forum. I have never had the need to dunk a gun [or use an air compressor]. I have used lots of paper towels. :lol:

Re: What's in YOUR cleaning kit?

Posted: Fri Jan 04, 2008 8:27 pm
by Mike1951
SC1903A3 wrote:So, am I the only one that uses Ed's Red?
I bought the ingredients to make up a large batch, except for the lanolin.

Never got around to mixin' it.

Do you use the lanolin in yours?

Re: What's in YOUR cleaning kit?

Posted: Fri Jan 04, 2008 9:57 pm
by SC1903A3
Mike1951 wrote:
SC1903A3 wrote:So, am I the only one that uses Ed's Red?
I bought the ingredients to make up a large batch, except for the lanolin.

Never got around to mixin' it.

Do you use the lanolin in yours?
Nope, I didn't want to put in the time to melt the lanolin and mix it into the witches brew. However Ed's Red works fine without it. The only thing I don't use it on is my Glock Frame. I don't know if it would damage the frame and I don't plan of finding out.

Re: What's in YOUR cleaning kit?

Posted: Fri Jan 04, 2008 10:42 pm
by ghostrider
I use gun scrubber & hoppes for cleaning, FP10 and slide glide for lube.
I'm also using RIG +P stainless lube for all stainless guns, but I'm
trying FP10 in those instead to see how well it works.