boomerang wrote:
1. Vote for McCain
Kid yourself if you want to, but see what kind of people McCain will appoint to the federal courts, including SCOTUS, compared to the kind of people a conservative is likely to appoint. No more RINOs!
Except that McCain's opponent will not be a conservative - unless you're counting some Slow Wheat candidate who has less than zero chance of becoming president.
No one who chooses to take this path should talk about
others kidding themselves.
boomerang wrote:
If the Republicans wanted my vote, they would have nominated a conservative. I heard them loud and clear. I voted in the Democratic primary where my vote might make a difference. I didn't get picked as a delegate at the caucus but that's fine with me. At least I didn't waste my vote.
So what are you going to do now? Your choices are:
1) Vote for a Democrat, and see your 2A rights wither and die as they propose (and pass) a panapoly of new gun control laws and appoint a few hundred "super legislators" to the federal bench.
2) Vote for a Slow Wheat candidate, and see your 2A rights wither and die as the victorious Democrat proposes (and passes) a panapoly of new gun control laws and appoints a few hundred "super legislators" to the federal bench.
3) Stay home, and see your 2A rights wither and die as the victorious Democrat proposes (and passes) a panapoly of new gun control laws and appoints a few hundred "super legislators" to the federal bench.
4) Vote for McCain who is unlikely to propose much if anything in the way of new gun control laws and give us at least a chance of some "Originalists" being appointed to the federal bench, including 2 or 3 replacements for the very old and frail far left wingers currently serving on the SCOTUS.
Replacing a Stevens or a Ginsberg with a Thomas or a Scalia will go a long way towards protecting our 2A rights for a generation or more.
Anyone who seriously thinks that Hillary or Obama is
MORE LIKELY to appoint a Thomas or a Scalia to the Court than McCain is needs to have a urine test done, IMO.