Did they fill the hall? I went to one at Brown months ago and the hall was 1/4 empty. The most annoying part was they packed the tables together with narrow aisles so people were bumping into each other, when they could have made the aisles more shopper-friendly by using all that unused space on the East side of the hall.glbedd53 wrote:Wife and I went yesterday. Sure seems like it was a smaller show than what George used to be. And the parking was a rediculous pain.
Gun Show This Weekend
Moderator: carlson1
Re: Gun Show This Weekend
If anyone is raped, beaten or murdered on a college campus from this day forward
The senators who blocked SB 354 from being considered on 4/7/11 and
The members of the house calendar committee who haven't scheduled HB 750
Have the victims' blood on their hands.
The senators who blocked SB 354 from being considered on 4/7/11 and
The members of the house calendar committee who haven't scheduled HB 750
Have the victims' blood on their hands.
Re: Gun Show This Weekend
Yep it was definately packed. Good selection of handguns, ARs, and ammo. Just seemed like it was about 1/2 or 1/3 the size I remembered it used to be. I paid $20 to park close because it was raining and my wife was with me. Then another $16 to get us in.