AD at Austin Gun Show

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Post by KBCraig »

nemesis wrote:
From what I understand from conversations of other patrons and sellers, there was a dealer that had apparently neglected to empty the chamber of one of his .45's and somebody dropped the hammer on it. It ricochetted off the floor a wall and into the ceiling.
He was just a few tables away from me and the view was unimpeded as we are both located near the entrance. He is a retired police officer and a regular at local gun shows but he made a bad decision.
Just to clarify... "he" is the dealer, the trigger puller, or both?

Guess they'll both do the Lousiana shows now.
Not if he's a Type 01 FFL "Dealer". Currently, dealers can only sell at either their licensed premises, or at a gun show within the state in which they're licensed.

And if he's not a licensed dealer, it's illegal to sell to anyone from another state.

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Re: Gotta get out of here!!!!!


Post by flintknapper »

jbenat wrote:We had one gun show here in Frisco and somebody had a ND. Don't know the details. That was the last one ever here. The anti's had a field day and we won't have any gun shows here again. They've also managed to get two local outdoor ranges closed down.
We took a short drive Sunday. Remember the days when the family piled into the family car and went for a Sunday drive? Now it's just bumper to bumper trafic trying to get past road improvements while driving past subdivision after subdvision of look alike houses. :evil:
We are moving to East Texas sometime in the near future where there is less development and some darn good gun ranges. I can't wait! :lol:

We'll be happy to have you.
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Post by nemesis »

With regard to KBCraig's question...........

I went horizontal when the shot was fired and waited until I felt there was not going to be any followup. I had no idea what was happening and wasn't going to stand around gawking.

When I looked over, the gentleman was standing there looking around and looking very perplexed. Everyone was focused on him and I couldn't identify anyone else that appeared involved. He was packed up and moved out instantly and another dealer quickly relocated there.

I've seen him at numerous gun shows but he's the kind of guy you don't really notice too much. I'm told he is a retired LEO and I doubt he has an FFL but can't be certain. I said I wouldn't be surprised if he went to Louisiana because he is retired and probably earns needed income from his gun show efforts and he won't be attending any future Saxet Shows. T___ said he was sorry to ban him from the show as he had known him a long time but noted that he wasn't pressing charges.

That's about it.
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Post by kw5kw »

flintknapper wrote:Not to "nitpick" but that was a ND (Negligent discharge).
Couldn't a ND still be an AD?

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Post by KBCraig »

kw5kw wrote:
flintknapper wrote:Not to "nitpick" but that was a ND (Negligent discharge).
Couldn't a ND still be an AD?
They all fall under UD -- unintentional discharge.

The only time that's happened to me, was when I was at the rifle range. A guy a couple of benches down had some tactical black rifle, an AR chambered in .308, 16" barrel and a monster muzzle brake.

Meanwhile, I'm trying to make itty bitty groups with a .22 rifle, and not jump every time that beast went off.

I was adjusting my position, didn't even have my finger on the trigger, when he fired. I went to fire and... *click*. The concussion from that muzzle brake actually fired my rifle without me knowing it (very light target trigger).

It wasn't negligent, since I was aimed down range and preparing to shoot. I wouldn't call it accidental. So... unintended discharge seems more appropriate.

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Post by flintknapper »

kw5kw wrote:
flintknapper wrote:Not to "nitpick" but that was a ND (Negligent discharge).
Couldn't a ND still be an AD?

If you view accidental as being synonymous with negligent then yes. As concerns firearms, I believe there is added responsibility to "check things" over and over. But I'll let you be the judge.

Main Entry: neg·li·gent
Pronunciation: -j&nt
Function: adjective
Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo-French & Latin; Anglo-French, from Latin neglegent-, neglegens, present participle of neglegere
1 a : marked by or given to neglect especially habitually or culpably b : failing to exercise the care expected of a reasonably prudent person in like circumstances

Main Entry: ac·ci·den·tal
Pronunciation: "ak-s&-'den-t&l
Function: adjective
1 : arising from extrinsic causes : INCIDENTAL, NONESSENTIAL
2 a : occurring unexpectedly or by chance b : happening without intent or through carelessness and often with unfortunate results

Main Entry: care·less
Pronunciation: -l&s
Function: adjective
1 a : free from care : UNTROUBLED <careless days> b : INDIFFERENT, UNCONCERNED <careless of the consequences>
2 : not taking care
3 : not showing or receiving care: a : NEGLIGENT, SLOVENLY <careless writing> b : UNSTUDIED, SPONTANEOUS <a careless grace> c obsolete : UNVALUED, DISREGARDED

Perhaps it was all three, but one thing is for certain, it was avoidable... and for that reason alone...I consider it negligent.

Thanks for the question.

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Post by QB »

I was at the Big Town/Mesquite gunshow when there was a ND from a rifle (customer), then again at Dallas Market Hall gunshow when a gunsmith had a ND, and also at the Frisco show when they had a ND. I must say I'm a bit jumpy at the shows now!!!!!

I've never seen so many "rules" broken in my life than at the gunshows. Just because the gun is tied or "presumed" unloaded people are flinging there guns everywhere and I've had to tell people numerous times to stop pointing their gun at me!!!!! I've saw a guy who was bragging about "sneaking in his carry weapon" and then pulling it out fully loaded and showing it to his friends and messing around with it. He swept so many people I couldn't count the times.

Yep.....I keep going to the shows to visit with my friends and to see what might be of interest....but I'm always on alert and somewhat apprehensive which is just too bad.
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We could lose our shows.....


Post by jbenat »

Someone is going to seriously injure somebody & that will be the end of gun shows as we know them. We've got to be on guard as patrons. Gun show merchants need to be particuraly careful or they won't have this venue to sell merchandise. The show sponsors really need to be on the alert or get closed down like the Frisco show.
The anti's are out to shut the gun shows down and they would love for someone to get killed to get their way!!! Just because they are afraid of guns and wet their pants when a criminal is executed, doesn't mean they care if someone gets killed to prove their point. Peace & love my foot!! :evil:
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