UH... Another reason to be armed in North texas...maybe

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UH... Another reason to be armed in North texas...maybe


Post by ScubaSigGuy »

Maybe a little OT but I just had these pictures emailed to me from a coworker. They were taken in McKinney. I chased a coyote out of my neighborhood a few motnhs ago but that's about all I have seen. After a little searching I found a news story to substantiate the claim... sorta. Maybe mountain biking in the woods of McKinney with the Keltec isn't such a great idea :grin:. Seriously, they are prone to messing with adults or anything the same size or larger than them.





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Post by hoss4570 »

Dadgum, thats a big bobcat. :shock: :shock: We had one here that attacked a little boy and his granny killed it with her .357 mag. The little boy is gonna be alright if chewed up like crazy. The cat weighed sixty pounds, thay said.
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Post by pfgrone »

There is an article in today's (Sun., 22 July) Austin American Statesman in the sports section titled, "Love'em or shoot'em, but mountain lions are here to stay." The article focused mainly on the question of designating them as game animals and regulating the hunting of them. I don't know anything about them but the article says they are variously called lion, puma, cougar, catamount, panther, or leon. Says there are two separate populations in west Texas and south Texas. The author says they are not rare but are rarely seen.
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Post by ScubaSigGuy »

:shock: Mountain lions are much biger and much more dangerous to humans. I did not realize that we had any in Texas. of course I didn't realize that we had alligators either until a few years ago.

Bobcats are like the mini-me of mountain lions. :lol:

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Post by flintknapper »

hoss4570 wrote:Dadgum, thats a big bobcat. :shock: :shock: We had one here that attacked a little boy and his granny killed it with her .357 mag. The little boy is gonna be alright if chewed up like crazy. The cat weighed sixty pounds, thay said.

Not to argue... but I'd have to see a sixty pound bobcat to believe it.

We have a good many bobkittys in my neck of the woods, and I'd wager ours are as big as any in the state. Still, it is rare for even an older male to exceed 35-40 lbs.

The one featured in the photos above is definitely under 30 lbs. and probably closer to 25.

They are beautiful animals and superb hunters. We see several every deer season here.

Apparently....they are as much at home in the suburbs as they are in the Pineywoods. Watch your pets!
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Post by carlson1 »

Thanks for the pictures. That is amazing. :shock:

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Post by fm2 »

flintknapper wrote: Watch your pets!
That's a some good action pics.
Yep, they will get them.

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Post by ScubaSigGuy »

I was suprised to see two together. I thought that bobcats were loners.

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Post by LedJedi »


just leave some meomix out on the back porch and no worries.

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Post by KBCraig »

I think they're having a resurgence in this part of the country. I've seen 3-4 roadkill bobcats in the last few months, including one dead on the shoulder of I-30 this morning. Before that, I'd maybe seen one or two my whole life.

I also saw a roadkill cougar in SW Arkansas a few months ago, between Texarkana and Shreveport, even though they officially "don't exist" here. That's the only one I've ever seen. It was a young one, maybe 60-80 pounds.

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Post by hoss4570 »

flintknapper wrote:

Not to argue... but I'd have to see a sixty pound bobcat to believe it.
I agree, but I did'nt write the news story, but thats what they said. The pic of the dead critter looked big next to the deputy. However, there seems to be some confusion here on this board, a bobcat and mountian lion, panther, cougar, whatever you want to call the second list are two different animals. The one pictured here is a bobcat. :D :D
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Post by govnor »

I saw them occasionally when I lived in Mansfield, but that was 20 years ago before all of the development out there. I never heard of anyone being attacked by one. It would be weird to see them crossing my back fence though...
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Post by lrb111 »

hoss4570 wrote:
flintknapper wrote:

Not to argue... but I'd have to see a sixty pound bobcat to believe it.
I agree, but I did'nt write the news story, but thats what they said. The pic of the dead critter looked big next to the deputy. However, there seems to be some confusion here on this board, a bobcat and mountian lion, panther, cougar, whatever you want to call the second list are two different animals. The one pictured here is a bobcat. :D :D
Hey Hoss, was that the bobcat down at Rankin that attacked that lady?
I drive quite a bit over Ector and Midland counties daily. I'm seeing bobcat regularly, and coyote by the pack. Fox and badger, too.
Like was mentioned above, seeing lot's of things we never used to see without setting in a blind all week.
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Post by Venus Pax »

Even owners of domesticated cats are thankful they don't weigh 60 pounds.
We consider our 19-pound boy "armed & dangerous." I can't imagine what a big kitty could do.
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Post by Humanphibian »

looks like "He Cat" is hot after "She Cat" and neither are paying much attention to anything else.

The ONLY time I have ever seen StickerPaws moving together is when the female is in season. Outside of that.....is he was caught hunting on her "Turf" he would be treated as an intruder.
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