Cell phone holsters and 1/4" thick gun belts - doesn't work

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Re: Cell phone holsters and 1/4" thick gun belts - doesn't w


Post by Jasonbtx »

Have your leather guy rivet a 2" metal clip to your case. worked for my gs3 in the otterbox defender case. Clip fits riggers belt. Much closer to body . No random self destruct.

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Re: Cell phone holsters and 1/4" thick gun belts - doesn't w



JALLEN wrote:The Maxpedition phone holster referred to in my post above was ordered from Amazon.com and arrived just now. It is just what I wanted/needed.

My iPhone 4S is in a protective case which makes it a bit longer than 4.5" high and 2.25" wide. I ordered the 5" holster and it fits just fine.

Best there is a metal clip that won't be breaking when I get into the passenger side of a car, like the genuine imitation plastic ones have done.

I use that same Maxpedition phone holster and love it. I know that I'm not going to accidentally drop my phone while 24 feet up a pole. (I work for the local phone company)
An iPhone 5 is too expensive to risk it landing on concrete from that height, even in an Otter Box.

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