Great disappointment consumes my soul!

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Great disappointment consumes my soul!


Post by S&Wgrl »

I took my brand new, beautiful Ruger SR9C to The Arms Room this afternoon. I bought it Friday night and also cleaned it thoroughly. The first shot was a bullseye slightly to the right of center. Pretty darn good for a first shot! I was immediately in love. The trigger pull that I've heard so much about is truly fantastic. I have a Ruger LC9 and though I love the gun, the trigger pull is long. It's my CC gun. Anyway, all the sudden the SR9C started acting crazy. The rounds would chamber but then it wouldn't shoot. After clearing it, it would shoot one or two and then the same thing all over. I thought it was the ammo at first. I've never shot that kind before. It's Tula Ammo. I got it at Academy when I bought the gun. So, the nicest man and his wife (or girlfriend) were next to me. He noticed I was having issues. He came over and tried several things. He even oiled it for me. He let me shoot his SR9C and I didn't have any issues with it. After several minutes he and the Range Master looked at it and talked. They think the firing pin is jacked up. So now I have to send it back to Ruger! I bought it at Academy and I tried to swap it out. Of course they wouldn't but it didn't hurt to ask. At least they are sending it back for me. I'm glad I got to shoot the Good Samaritan's gun because I do like it. I'm just very disappointed that I have to send mine back. I'm also glad I have my LC9. I've never had those problems with that gun or my S&W. I'm so grateful that they were there to help. I don't usually ask for help so he saved me a lot of aggravation trying to figure it out on my own. The manager at Academy said it would take about three weeks. Uuuughhh, the waiting begins...
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Re: Great disappointment consumes my soul!


Post by RottenApple »

S&Wgrl wrote:I took my brand new, beautiful Ruger SR9C to The Arms Room this afternoon. I bought it Friday night and also cleaned it thoroughly. The first shot was a bullseye slightly to the right of center. Pretty darn good for a first shot! I was immediately in love. The trigger pull that I've heard so much about is truly fantastic. I have a Ruger LC9 and though I love the gun, the trigger pull is long. It's my CC gun. Anyway, all the sudden the SR9C started acting crazy. The rounds would chamber but then it wouldn't shoot. After clearing it, it would shoot one or two and then the same thing all over. I thought it was the ammo at first. I've never shot that kind before. It's Tula Ammo. I got it at Academy when I bought the gun. So, the nicest man and his wife (or girlfriend) were next to me. He noticed I was having issues. He came over and tried several things. He even oiled it for me. He let me shoot his SR9C and I didn't have any issues with it. After several minutes he and the Range Master looked at it and talked. They think the firing pin is jacked up. So now I have to send it back to Ruger! I bought it at Academy and I tried to swap it out. Of course they wouldn't but it didn't hurt to ask. At least they are sending it back for me. I'm glad I got to shoot the Good Samaritan's gun because I do like it. I'm just very disappointed that I have to send mine back. I'm also glad I have my LC9. I've never had those problems with that gun or my S&W. I'm so grateful that they were there to help. I don't usually ask for help so he saved me a lot of aggravation trying to figure it out on my own. The manager at Academy said it would take about three weeks. Uuuughhh, the waiting begins...
It could easily have been the ammo. Tula is usually steel cased and I've had trouble with it in every gun I own. Did you try a different ammo, preferably brass cased?
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Re: Great disappointment consumes my soul!


Post by C-dub »

Very unfortunate. I'm sorry that happened to you and hope S&W fixes it up. Please keep us informed.
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Re: Great disappointment consumes my soul!


Post by S&Wgrl »

Yes, I had two different types of Winchester and the Tula. It was not discriminating towards the ammo. I just happened to have more of the Tula. The Tula went through his SR9C without any issues. I guess I'll find out when Ruger starts working on it.

Thanks for the good wishes!
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Re: Great disappointment consumes my soul!


Post by Carry-a-Kimber »

C-dub wrote:Very unfortunate. I'm sorry that happened to you and hope S&W fixes it up. Please keep us informed.
That would be amazing customer service for S&W to fix a Ruger. :shock:

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Re: Great disappointment consumes my soul!


Post by jayinsat »

Did you clean out the striker channel when you cleaned it before you shot it? Ruger packs a lot of lube for shf storage at LGS. Light primer strikes are typical for a SR pistol if you didn't clean out that striker chamber. The SR pistols prefer very little lube.

Have over a 1000 rounds thru mine without a hiccup. Here's yesterday's IDPA match with my SR9c.
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Re: Great disappointment consumes my soul!


Post by C-dub »

Carry-a-Kimber wrote:
C-dub wrote:Very unfortunate. I'm sorry that happened to you and hope S&W fixes it up. Please keep us informed.
That would be amazing customer service for S&W to fix a Ruger. :shock:
:oops: Sorry. I got confused by her screen name.
I am not and have never been a LEO. My avatar is in honor of my friend, Dallas Police Sargent Michael Smith, who was murdered along with four other officers in Dallas on 7.7.2016.
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Re: Great disappointment consumes my soul!


Post by RottenApple »

S&Wgrl wrote:Yes, I had two different types of Winchester and the Tula. It was not discriminating towards the ammo. I just happened to have more of the Tula. The Tula went through his SR9C without any issues. I guess I'll find out when Ruger starts working on it.

Thanks for the good wishes!
Ah. Well, looks like you eliminated that issue. Good on ya. :thumbs2:

Hope all turns out well.

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Re: Great disappointment consumes my soul!


Post by S&Wgrl »

[quote="jayinsat"]Did you clean out the striker channel when you cleaned it before you shot it? Ruger packs a lot of lube for shf storage at LGS. Light primer strikes are typical for a SR pistol if you didn't clean out that striker chamber. The SR pistols prefer very little lube.

Have over a 1000 rounds thru mine without a hiccup. Here's yesterday's IDPA match with my SR9c.

Very cool! Thanks for sharing! Yes, I cleaned everything thoroughly. The guys at the range really think it's a fluke. If that's the case, leave it up to me to get that particular gun. I'll let y'all know what happens. I hope it comes back soon!
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Re: Great disappointment consumes my soul!


Post by S&Wgrl »

C-dub wrote:
Carry-a-Kimber wrote:
C-dub wrote:Very unfortunate. I'm sorry that happened to you and hope S&W fixes it up. Please keep us informed.
That would be amazing customer service for S&W to fix a Ruger. :shock:
:oops: Sorry. I got confused by her screen name.
Sorry for the confusion. My first gun was a S&W and I loved it. I no longer have it but I have two Rugers now.

Thanks Rotten Apple!
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Re: Great disappointment consumes my soul!


Post by SigM4 »

I've heard very good reports of Ruger's customer service, so I suspect that they'll fix you up and you'll be better than new.

On a side note, did you happen to put any lube down the firing pin hole? Not that this would necessarily cause the issue, but just to eliminate all variables.
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Re: Great disappointment consumes my soul!


Post by Oldgringo »

"Great disappointment consumes my soul!"

I love it! :tiphat: Sorry about the gun/ammo issue.
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Re: Great disappointment consumes my soul!


Post by MoJo »

What have we learned from S&Wgrl's disappointing adventure?

No matter how new, how shiny, how much you pay, how good a reputation the gunmaker has. Before you carry a gun test fire it! Not a magazine full at least 50 rounds even in this day of high ammo prices. The last thing you need is to get into a shootout with a gun that won't work.

Ruger's customer service is top notch. Hoping for a quick turnaround and maybe a "little something" from Ruger for your trouble. :tiphat:
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Re: Great disappointment consumes my soul!


Post by K.Mooneyham »

I'm still with jayinsat on this one about the striker tunnel. The striker has to be pulled completely out to clean the tunnel properly, and a pipe cleaner is the best thing to use to clear it out with. Tulammo is pretty dirty stuff and will leave a lot of residue in the striker tunnel, in addition to the heavy storage lube that Ruger uses. To pull the striker, once the slide is off, you have to depress the little pin inset into the back of the plastic plate that is at the back of the slide. I use a straightened out paperclip to depress the pin. It can be a little tricky to put it back on the first or second time you do it. There are videos on the 'Net about this. If you did do that, my apologies, and I agree that it needs to go back to Ruger; maybe there is a burr in the tunnel or some other defect that is causing the striker to hang up and thus light strikes. Good luck.
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Re: Great disappointment consumes my soul!


Post by Pecos »

Too me this doesnt sound like an ammo problem. I have never had a problem with a Ruger product. Im curious to know what was wrong. Keep us posted.
I hear the customer service is great & that they give you a free Magizine when they send it back. I like Ruger guns. I think there well built.
Worst ammo is Matrix I think. :tiphat:
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