Frenzy calming down?

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Frenzy calming down?


Post by psijac »

I went to the GRB Gunshow today, There were 4 KSGs there the lowest price was $1799. Kinda wierd how that seems almost reasonable now that I saw them in a store in Katy for $2400. Everything is still overpriced but I think the peak is over
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Re: Frenzy calming down?


Post by TexasCajun »

Things are getting to our new normal. ARs that were going for $600 pre-Newtown spiked up to about $2k in late Dec / early Jan. Those same rifles are down to about $800 now. That's probably where they'll settle down. When ammo shelves are full again, we can consider this panic officially over.
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Re: Frenzy calming down?


Post by baldeagle »

I would agree. I watch ammo prices on every day. Recently I'm seeing more and more in stock notices. Prices are still high, but at least the shortage is easing. Prices should ease as well once the higher priced ammo is no longer selling.

One example: 300 Blackout had no ammo at all for the longest time. Now there's three choices, all in stock. Outrageously priced, but in stock, which is an improvement from the past.
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Re: Frenzy calming down?


Post by CC Italian »

Prices are still high, but at least the shortage is easing.
Yes, sir. I am slowly seeing this to. Once supply slowly gets higher prices will slowly start to drop but I do think that we did get many new firearms owners that came into the market and this will probably increase the average demand for the foreseeable future. This is not unlike what happened in 08 just a larger scale imo.
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Re: Frenzy calming down?


Post by C-dub »

Even the prices are starting to come down from their highs. I think people have tired and decided the double and triple prices compared to 6 months ago are more than they are willing to pay any more. And since the buying has slowed, the prices are starting to come down.

The ammo still has some time to go before people that don't shoot much anyway decide they have enough for a while and the manufacturers can catch up on restocking their retailers.
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Re: Frenzy calming down?


Post by texasmusic »

Let me know when I can start clicking on ARs and related things on TGT again.
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Re: Frenzy calming down?


Post by Baytown_Cajun »

It may never fully calm. We have a President who hates the Constitution and doesnt feel bound by any laws. The borders will be formally opened with unrestruicted immigration, to every third world slug as well.
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Re: Frenzy calming down?


Post by G26ster »

Baytown_Cajun wrote:It may never fully calm. We have a President who hates the Constitution and doesnt feel bound by any laws. The borders will be formally opened with unrestruicted immigration, to every third world slug as well.
My wife, who is 75, recently had a stroke. Fortunately, only her speech is now affected and she is doing well. The care she received in the hospital and home nursing was the finest we have ever seen. The nurses and other professionals, many from Third World countries, were outstanding. IMHO your comment denigrating those from Third World countries as "slugs" is contrary to the dignity of the Texas CHL Forum.
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Re: Frenzy calming down?


Post by Baytown_Cajun »

Withj unretricted borders, it isnt the professionals and educated people who come here with the intent to follow the law and work, it is the illegal aliens who come here, (some with serious criminal records, in the nations they ran from). Should the "Marathon Bombers" have been deported, when they became involved in radical terrorist political groups ?
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Re: Frenzy calming down?


Post by anygunanywhere »

Baytown_Cajun wrote:Withj unretricted borders, it isnt the professionals and educated people who come here with the intent to follow the law and work, it is the illegal aliens who come here, (some with serious criminal records, in the nations they ran from). Should the "Marathon Bombers" have been deported, when they became involved in radical terrorist political groups ?
I have read almost every one of your posts. You are such a negative nancy. Cynical even. You are like giving out these bad vibes, man.

I like it.

Keep it up.


BTW, I am a product of Baytown. R. E. Lee class of '72.

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Re: Frenzy calming down?


Post by JRG »

anygunanywhere wrote:
Baytown_Cajun wrote:Withj unretricted borders, it isnt the professionals and educated people who come here with the intent to follow the law and work, it is the illegal aliens who come here, (some with serious criminal records, in the nations they ran from). Should the "Marathon Bombers" have been deported, when they became involved in radical terrorist political groups ?
I have read almost every one of your posts. You are such a negative nancy. Cynical even. You are like giving out these bad vibes, man.

I like it.

Keep it up.


BTW, I am a product of Baytown. R. E. Lee class of '72.

Baytown Ross S Sterling graduate class of '72 here. It really is a small world.



Re: Frenzy calming down?


Post by alvins »

i know several people like myself who plan to stock up on ammo once it becomes more available.ive been buying up shotgun shells at the local academies, ive noticed they arent stocking the ones i prefer to buy as much.

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Re: Frenzy calming down?


Post by FishInTx »

I'm still buying all I can find and afford. Will be for the foreseeable future too. Not gonna get caught short next time. Reloading stuff also!!

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Re: Frenzy calming down?


Post by howdy »

Went to Freedom Munitions in NW Houston and they have everything except .22LR. Cases and cases of 9mm, .40S&W, 45ACP, .223. Prices are slightly elevated compared to 7 months ago.

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