The front runners are a Glock 19 or a single action revolver.
Revolver - Have a Taurus snub, but that's it.
Centerfire semi auto - Have 2 1911 style
Rimfire semi auto - check
Rimfire rifle - check
Centerfire bolt rifle - check. Nothing scoped, but I don't hunt yet so not much need for a scope.
Centerfire semi auto rifle - check. Have a few evil guns.

Black powder - None
Single action revolver - none
Shotgun - none. I need one just don't want one. not other reason.
Milsurp - check. Mausers, mosins, sks's.
I don't have a large collection and I do want more, I guess since I want them all I can't just pick one.
My budget is around $500 Maybe a little more for sights and leather if I go with the Glock.
So, now its your turn. Buy me a gun! :D