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Post by stevie_d_64 »

Baytown wrote:I think a FTF at Luna's after CHL Range Day would do wonders on this issue. Maybe I'll put my gun in the car and have a couple of margaritas.

For those of you familiar with Cheers, you may remember Cliff's theory (to Norm) on how and why alcohol makes you smarter.


BTW, I hope none take this as a personal slam, it is not. I just differ in opinions with some on this issue. (it is not because i am a cop)

We'd both be good company...Besides I already know what ya look like...I sat behind you at the legal seminar at PSC Charles sponsored the other month...

Margarita's are the great equalizers of our day...
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Post by MoJo »

The interdiction is for drugs, they set up on I 10 and wait for someone to do something stupid like that guy did. After talking with several Beaumont cops who are friends of mine it seems his biggest mistake was diving off the Interstate through the grass and ditch and then firing at the officers pursuing him.

The BPD and Jefferson County Sherrif's office run interdictions on a regular basis and take literaly tons of drugs out of circulation.
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I stand by my earlier statement


Post by tomneal »

I stand by my earlier statements.
If asked by a LEO "May I search your vehicle?"
Answer "No."

I did a google search on "automobile search police confiscated money" and found stories about some Law Enforcement Officers confiscating cash when they find it. Even when the people with the cash broke no laws. Some of the stories were heart wrenching. And some were as you would expect, stories about a drug dealer that had gotten off, just loosing "pocket change".

Sometimes I run shooting matches. When I do, I often come home "smelling like a man" and having more cash than I could replace without explaining to my bride. That money is "not mine", because it "belongs to the match". AND, I may not be at my most fluent state because I am tired and dehydrated. My answers to questions about that money may cause the LEO to confiscate it. I may also have 1000's of rounds of ammo and expensive assault weapons. It's pretty normal for me to have more guns in the truck than the truck is worth. (I also keep a change of clothes, a couple of jackets, my range bags, and some maps in the truck.) That would make me easy to vilify to the news media.

This is the circumstance that occurs to me when I think of a police officer asking "May I search your vehicle?"

I also think of the time my daughters fiancée had minor damage to his car during a DPS search of his vehicle. He was stopped because he was Hispanic and driving a nice car in East Texas.

I also think about how long it's been since my son cleaned out behind the seat of his truck. He is 20 and in college. I trust my son but not his friends.

I also think of my Brother-in-laws "bubba" buddy that got charged with a violation of the open container law because he got caught using a beer can as a spit can in his truck.

There are lots of stories on the internet. Some of them may even be true. However, when I run into web pages put up by criminal defense attorneys they consistently say "Just say no to searches."

I also think of Martha Stuart. She was convicted for lying to a LEO. In the news articles about the case, the reporters pointed out that while it's illegal to lie to a LEO, it's not illegal for them to lie to you.

All of this on the above is on the side of saying "No."

On the side of saying "Yes". You may save a little time If the LEO has Probable Cause and If he makes you wait while he gets a warrant.

I stand by my earlier statements.
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Post by Baytown »

I must say all this is a moot point. If an officer wants in your veh he will get in. Whether it be through a consent, probable cause, or an inventory subsequent to an arrest.

Of course criminal defense attorneys will tell you to say no. That way when their dope slinging client goes to court, they actually have something to fight in the probable cause hearing, and make an argument to exclued any contraband that was found.

I obviously have not been at all the traffic stops that have ever taken place in the State of Texas, so I can not say that people are not pulled over for type of car they drive, ethnicity, etc... I will say from my personal experience that I have had drivers that would not accept any other reason why I pulled them over than because they were (insert whatever here). Never mind the fact they have no license plate light, failed to signal prior to lane change, etc... Many times they never hear the real reason. Tom, I would assume (I konw I should never assume) when your son-in-law was pulled over, he was not told, "I pulled you over because you are Hispanic in East Texas."

All in all, I would have to say though, that if it makes you happy to say no, then go ahead. I'm not here to say not to, I just wanted to list some of the reasons, we as law abiding citizens, should embrace police looking for criminal activity which may be afoot.

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