My Xd45 Stainless - I could and did the rear sight but did not own a jackhammer for the front sight (I boogard up the slide a tiny nit trying a punch and hammer, and saw a youtube a guy use an Impact wrench tool thingy .... don't try it.)
Take it to someone with Springfield's special sight pushing tool for the front sight, the dovetail.sight connection is tight. (And I've replaced sights on lots of other brands of guns many times over 40-somethin' years, but couldn't budge the front sight on my XD)
I got my front sight installed free, but they usually charge only $20.00 at a Lubbock Gun Store (not a gun smith) , which if I'd known that, I wouldn't have boogard up my slide. (I was willing to pay $150 or $200 after admitting defeat)
I got mine done free because the guy who does it all the time on other brands was scared "I can't believe the amount of pressure I'm having to put on these, I'm afraid it will break your sight" He was straining, even with the proper tool.
The guy with the tool had to remove the rear I had put on to get the slide into the tool to install the front sight, then the rear needed reinstalling (which was easier)
Glocks, Taurus, many others, you just need a rubber mallet, block of wood and a punch or screwdriver the size of the slot, not so with XDs. Springfield on the XD, must have named the slide "soul" and the front sight "spirit" (Heb 4:12 ... dividing asunder of soul and spirit...)