for never having owned a 1911 until TODAY.
I ordered a Ruger SR1911, and it arrived today.
WOW. I LOOOOOOVE this gun.
It's my first 1911 and I'm officially ON the bandwagon. I am already thinking about what my next one might be. Wow.
I picked it up today, took home and cleaned, then found out there was still time to shoot, so I hit the local range.
To preface, I'm a Glock guy. I have 4 Glocks (my only handguns besides a little Taurus TCP 380 that I never use, and a Beretta P96 that I also never shoot, ever). I shoot IDPA occasionally with my Glocks, and have always seen the 1911 guys shoot and wondered how it would be, but never thought I'd want to carry a 1911.
OK... I've seen the light!! I'm now wanting a good carry holster. I love this gun.
I went through 200 rounds with zero issues. It fired every time, and when I didn't mess up, it shot perfectly accurate. I'll post target pictures below. I have a little flinching issue occasionally. I guess it's getting used to the .45 ACP. It doesn't really kick much, but I constantly battle the occasional 'anticipation flinch'. (I'd consider myself only an average shooter anyway)
So, I'll start with the target pictures first. The B27 target was at 10 yards, and the "star" target is at 15 yards.
(excuse the quality of pics... iPhone pics are all I have right now)
also, the orientation may be off... sorry.
Now for pics of the new gun. Taken at the range also w/ my iPhone. When I get time, I'll take nice pics with a real camera...