Sure enough but the film was supposed to have taken place in 2004. So when they were still shooting stuff to blow it up.bronco78 wrote:Direct fire IED detonation was specifically forbidden almost 4 years ago. The JOINT IED DEFEAT center, and EOD center of excellence found that it created a more hazardous situation for EOD personal if the IED did not detonate, then if the team dealt with the IED in a more standard procedure. Additionally., IED's in use after about 2004 were / are much less susceptible to a direct fire engagement. Add in to it the need to reduce collateral damage.. and all good reason to not attempt to do direct fire IE D detonation. All that said,,, sure there are still wanabe heroes that do it anyway.. More often than not creating an unstable mess that an EOD tech has to then move to and emplace a charger for a controlled detonation.

I was just pointing out that it was conceivable that they would know how to operate the rifle and shoot it accurately.