Amish School Shooting

Gun, shooting and equipment discussions unrelated to CHL issues

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Post by GlockenHammer »

Let's also not forget that teachers often work in the school after hours. A very large building with next to no one around leaves lots of opportunity for rapists and others to prey on teachers. That doesn't get the national headlines like our children getting abused or killed, but I think is also a valid reason to allow teachers to carry (and others equally qualified to do so).
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Post by Mithras61 »

As a side note to the gun issue, I heard today that the community leaders in this Amish community (does anyone know if they prefer Mennonite over Amish, by the way) have issued a public statement of forgiveness and have helped establish a fund to provide for this murderer's innocent wife & kids.

They have also said that while they appreciate the blessings of the monetary kind they are receiving, they would also like to ask that we say a prayer for those living and dead, and to praise God.

I think that they have shown a great deal of grace and style.
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Post by Liberty »

Mithras61 wrote:As a side note to the gun issue, I heard today that the community leaders in this Amish community (does anyone know if they prefer Mennonite over Amish, by the way) have issued a public statement of forgiveness and have helped establish a fund to provide for this murderer's innocent wife & kids.

They have also said that while they appreciate the blessings of the monetary kind they are receiving, they would also like to ask that we say a prayer for those living and dead, and to praise God.

I think that they have shown a great deal of grace and style.
A true class act by these people. I pray that if I am ever presented with such trauma and sadness that I can behave as well.

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Post by Popshot »

Offering prayers and condolences to the family of the BG, in light of what happened to their children, is very far-sighted. After all, the wife and children of the BG did not perform these evil acts, and that family is suffering too. I admit, I might not be able to make the leap to forgive as quickly as the Amish did, but I would hope that I could get there. At the same time, I hope the Amish will consider that they need not allow predators to continue to harm them.
Gun control = hitting where you aim
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