To add or not to add, that's the can question.....

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To add or not to add, that's the can question.....


Post by age_ranger »

I'm considering adding a can to my PX4SD. Right now I'm looking at $1200 for threading, the can, tax stamp and recoil booster. I wanted to add it to my .45 for home defense and range use but I'm wondering if it's actually WORTH throwing the dough down on??? Money won't be an object when I'm planning to do this but the pistol just begs to be threaded ! Thoughts???? Once you buy a can are you pretty much stuck with it and are they hard to sell if you decide to get rid of it? Other muzzle devices??
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Re: To add or not to add, that's the can question.....


Post by A-R »

Is a threaded replacement barrel not available? Maybe aftermarket? Seems this might be cheaper than paying to thread the barrel - but I really have no idea what I'm talking about. I just know you can buy threaded aftermrket Glock barrels for about $125 from Lone Wolf
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Re: To add or not to add, that's the can question.....


Post by The Annoyed Man »

age_ranger wrote:I'm considering adding a can to my PX4SD. Right now I'm looking at $1200 for threading, the can, tax stamp and recoil booster. I wanted to add it to my .45 for home defense and range use but I'm wondering if it's actually WORTH throwing the dough down on???
For whatever my opinion is worth, it isn't worth doing it... not because I don't like the idea of silencers, but because no amount of money is worth involving the BATF in my affairs.
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Re: To add or not to add, that's the can question.....


Post by bdickens »


Especially for something of questionable benefit.
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Re: To add or not to add, that's the can question.....


Post by gringop »

Doesn't the Storm have a ROTATING BARREL? Is it going to function with the added mass of a can on it?

IMHO, that is a lot of money for what will be essentially a range toy. You can't carry it, you can't hunt with it, you can't shoot competition with it.

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Re: To add or not to add, that's the can question.....


Post by Fawkes »

Agreed with flying under the BATFD radar. It will also cause a decrease in barrel velocity.
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Re: To add or not to add, that's the can question.....


Post by gigag04 »

For home defense? I could think of superior setups for home defense for well under $1200. I also wouldn't want to shoot someone in my home with silenced pistol. Why? just looks bad.

If you do it, keep it as a range toy.

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Re: To add or not to add, that's the can question.....


Post by KFP »

Just to toss out a why - using it for a home defense set up allows you to communicate effectively with family, and not have voice drown out when giving commands to the BG (all assuming that you've fired). I've heard that a lot of police departments are going this route for the above reasons as well.

I'll agree with the others though, the pros don't outweigh the cons, IMO.
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Re: To add or not to add, that's the can question.....


Post by gigag04 »

I don't know of a single patrol division using silencers. Maybe a tactical unit but that is quite different - and they would be employed for reasons well beyond the scope of "to keep voices from drowning out." At least we are in agreement of the cons being to heavy :)
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Re: To add or not to add, that's the can question.....


Post by KFP »

Yes, SWAT and the like - I don't know of any patrol units. I'd predict a PR nightmare for the chief with if Sally Homemaker was stopped for speeding by an officer carrying a silenced pistol.
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Re: To add or not to add, that's the can question.....


Post by jeeperbryan »

I'm on the side of.....not worth it. $1200 is a lot of money. You could buy two more PX4s for that.

If you really want something in a silencer, why not pick up a Walther P22? I think they have threaded attachments for them and a silenced 22 is gonna be much cooler at the range if that's what you're going for. Check out this video of P22 vs. silenced P22:

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Re: To add or not to add, that's the can question.....


Post by 74novaman »

KFP wrote: I'd predict a PR nightmare for the chief with if Sally Homemaker was stopped for speeding by an officer carrying a silenced pistol.
Playing devil's advocate here:

Not sure where all this bad feeling from the public for silencers come from...I guess we've all watched too many movies and think only assassins use them?

I thought at first they were ridiculous, but after spending time around my dad as he gets older whos very hard of hearing due to working around heavy machinery most of his life, I've started to reevaluate my position.

In a home defense situation, lets say I hear a bump. Since there are others in the house I'm responsible for protecting, I grab my .45 and a flashlight. In the hallway, I see a guy with a machete, and shoot at him.

When the officers come, all I can say is "what?" because I've been busy shooting a pistol in a narrow space with no hearing protection.

I don't know about you fellows, but it sure would be nice to be able to hear when I'm older. A silencer already on the pistol would do more to protect my hearing than ear plugs i'd probably forget to put on when responding to a bump in the night.

As to the "they add too much weight to the front of the pistol" crowd, I've seen some of the light and laser combos some people hang off the front of their pistols... "rlol"
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Re: To add or not to add, that's the can question.....


Post by gigag04 »

74novaman wrote: When the officers come, all I can say is "what?" because I've been busy shooting a pistol in a narrow space with no hearing protection.
What? JK. I think by the time cops get there and you actually get asked a question (you and yours will ushered out of the house and it will become a crime scene) you're sympathetic nervous system will have had time to chill out. You're hearing will be fine. Long term it will be damaged, but as your SNS (think fight or flight) kicks in, your body will protect its own may even get tunnel hearing if you will.

Officers at my dept that have been involved in shootings didnt even register the shots going off around them until after days of recollection.
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Re: To add or not to add, that's the can question.....


Post by KFP »

74novaman wrote:
KFP wrote: I'd predict a PR nightmare for the chief with if Sally Homemaker was stopped for speeding by an officer carrying a silenced pistol.
Playing devil's advocate here:

Not sure where all this bad feeling from the public for silencers come from...I guess we've all watched too many movies and think only assassins use them? ...
There wouldn't be any disagreement from me, but I'd bet that my opinions on variety are a far cry from the general public. I'd put silencers right in there with the evil black rifles - they LOOK scary. :shock:
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Re: To add or not to add, that's the can question.....


Post by Oldgringo »

gigag04 wrote: If money is no object buy me another kimber while you're at it :)
Me too! I could use another CZ 452 FS and I would be obliged.
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