Need a duty belt that fits through 1.75" loops

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Need a duty belt that fits through 1.75" loops


Post by LoneStarWings »


I recently began carrying at work but I face some challenges. What I need is a belt that doesn't have to go through any belt loops and can easily be taken on and off while the holsters stay attached. I have to take this belt on and off 3-5 times per day from a seated position; currently I'm just using a sturdy dress belt but messing with belt loops while sitting down and holding a loaded weapon just doesn't seem right. So I'm looking for a reasonably thin, yet sturdy duty belt that wouldn't require belt loops and preferably has an easy to release plastic-snap type buckle. Something like eagle industries duty belt but less wide, to accommodate the issued gear that I'm required to use.

My agency dictates the type of weapon, holster, and mag pouches I must use. Unfortunately they only accomodate 1.75" belts and if they're really thick even that width is too large.

The real gotcha is the magazine holster. It has these one-way snaps that go pretty tight and the thing won't close at all if the belt is too thick.

Here is the holster I have to use:

The issued weapon is a USP .40 compact.

Does anyone have any recommendations for a belt that might work for me or am I hosed? Thanks!
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Re: Need a duty belt that fits through 1.75" loops


Post by CompVest »

USPSC shooters have some really neat rigs that uses a double belt system similar to a LEO system.
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Re: Need a duty belt that fits through 1.75" loops


Post by srothstein »

I suggest you look at Safariland velcro rigs. They had a trousers belt that half the velcro on it, then a Sam Browne that had the other half. I think, not sure, they also had outer belts that would fit your needs (though they may be too thick). The concept of the belt was that the velcro held the pistol belt in place on the trousers like belt keepers do, so it would work for your needs, I think.

And I may be too old and remembering things wrong or out of date, so don't be surprised if they don't have it anymore.
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Re: Need a duty belt that fits through 1.75" loops


Post by boomerang »

Would something like The Instructor Belt work? They make it in 1¾" and 1½" widths and you can get the five stitch for extra stiffness, or the insert for extra-extra stiffness.
The 5-stitch model is our favorite and most popular. It offers two additional stitch lines along the length of the belt which significantly stiffen it and enhance load bearing. It's vertical rigidity is similar to a high-quality leather gunbelt, yet it is horizontally and rotationally flexible for comfort. We think this is the best one for most gun-carrying operations, both inside-the-pants and belt holsters.
FFDO? I bet The Wilderness wouldn't mind a call to discuss your intended use.
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