I have been doing some searching and landed on the possibilty of a Kel-Tec P-11.
The advantages (as I see it) are:
1) We have already got 9mm guns so we have lots of ammunition 'on site'.
2) It looks like it would be easy to conceal
3) It has 10+1 rather than 6 or 7 (not that she would need 10 to take someone down hopefully)
4) At 20 ozs, it is lightweight for her.
5) It is a reasonable price! (See previous comment on Toll roads!

Now the down side is that I have no experience with Kel-Tec but I know some people on the forum do so.
What is the conventional wisdom?
Does the gun run well? (any FTF, FTE issues?)?
How is the recoil? (Mrs Kevinf2349 handles the G30 well and can shoot her G19 one handed without issue)
I would appreciate any thoughts fellow TXCHL members have or any alternate recommendations but would rather this not turn into a 'my cat is blacker than your cat' debate

Thanks in advance