from this photo but its supposed to be not much larger than the just announced Ruger .380/ KelTec clone. It has 8+1 capacity.

Moderator: carlson1
Do you think the Taurus Slim is too big for pocket carry? I love my Guardian .380, but I would like to find something with a bit more power and still be a "pocket" gun. That's why I was considering the PF9 in the first place.wgoforth wrote: it is slightly larger than the Kel-Tec PF9 which I replaced with the Taurus.
DoubleJ wrote:Went to the Academy in Lewisville on Friday, looking for Slim. He was there. Key word, was.![]()
I really like this little shooter. For $350 I dig it. really light, good fit, and I think it has a place in my arsenal. It's definitely a niche piece, but for that particular niche, it fills that role particulary well.
I dig the trigger, as it is rather similar to my Beretta in the DA/SA realm, although, it really doesn't work in DA mode, being as it doesn't have a de-cocker. So, it basically stays in SA mode. It's very crisp and breaks nicely, with overtravel only to the extent of where the DA mode would be. Upon firing, if you only let the trigger out to its reset, it doesn't have much overtravel at all. I thought it was very nice, and certainly better than some I've shot before. I would have liked the option to carry it DA/SA (slide safety off), but I'll survive with SAO (safety on).
it does have a manual slide safety, as mentioned, similar in nature to your 1911-style, and a Glock-style trigger safety. If you shoot "thumbs-high," as some 1911 shooters do, with your thumb "riding" the safety, this gun will feel particularly comfortable. One thing to keep in mind if shooting this way, be mindful of the slide release! I found myself shooting through the last round and not allowing the slide to lock back. My fault, and once I kept mindful of my thumb positioning, I didn't run in to that issue again.
as far as accuracy, I shot 100rds through it (after a thorough cleaning/inspection) and was quite pleased with its performance.
first fifty all went through the fist sized hole @ 10yds, and the lower group was shot as fast as I could get a sight picture, aim being at the "abdomen" of the target. I believe it is plenty accurate enough for self defense situations as either a carry when you can't carry a bigger gun (I'm thinking while working out/gym clothing), or even as a BUG (would ride perfectly in a pocket holster, weakside).
Thanks for your comments surprise_I'm_armed. Yes, I picked the Slim with pocket carry in mind. When you are as round as a beach ball it's hard to hide anything around your waist. I love my Millennium Pro 745, but it is not easy to carry iwb due to it's wide square slide. That has always been my complaint with Glocks - they are too "blocky" looking. I'm hoping the Slim will be better in that regard. I'm thinking about trading my Millennium Pro 745 in on the new Slim. I"ll lose some money on the deal, but if the Slim works out like I expect, it will be my choice for carry and the Millennium Pro will just sit on the shelf. So I'm thinking of trading it in. Once I get the gun (next week) I'll be looking at those holsters you suggested. Thanks again, Yabusurprise_i'm_armed wrote:YabuUS:
I pocket carry my Taurus PT111B on a regular basis and no one has ever made me.
It's nice to be able to put my hand in my pocket and it's on the gun. If I'm at work (pocket carry),
or when I'm off, I can dress differently (that's when my OWB is used).
Your new Slim will be even more slender than my piece, so I would vote YES on your
ability to pocket carry it.
You just need an Uncle Mike's or a DeSantis Nemesis pocket holster to keep the weapon
aligned correctly in your pocket for the draw, and to keep debris out of the action, and the
trigger covered.