8-12-09 Boy's Shooting Death - "jostled a backpack"

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Re: 8-12-09 Boy's Shooting Death - "jostled a backpack"


Post by TDDude »

blc wrote: "Jostled a backpack with a 9mm semi-automatic pistol inside" ?! Is it just me, or does this seem rather far-fetched?
It's far, far fetched. A horrible tragedy and these kids are scaired (as they should be) and are trying to save face.

I suppose the pistol could have been a Glock or one of its clones, in a backpack with a pencil through the trigger guard and it got jostled in just the right way and bang. But I doubt it.

The crime was not teaching those kids gun safety.
Ray F.
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Re: 8-12-09 Boy's Shooting Death - "jostled a backpack"


Post by 3dfxMM »

However, the reality in this case is that the boyfriend was playing around with mom's gun, not one of the kids.
That wasn't mentioned in the linked article. Did you read/hear it elsewhere? It seemed clear to me that the only new information is that the boys were playing with the boyfriend's weapon rather than the mom's and that it wasn't jostled in the backpack.
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Re: 8-12-09 Boy's Shooting Death - "jostled a backpack"


Post by The Annoyed Man »

3dfxMM wrote:
However, the reality in this case is that the boyfriend was playing around with mom's gun, not one of the kids.
That wasn't mentioned in the linked article. Did you read/hear it elsewhere? It seemed clear to me that the only new information is that the boys were playing with the boyfriend's weapon rather than the mom's and that it wasn't jostled in the backpack.
Here is your answer:

Child shot with mother's boyfriend's gun
Family first told HPD that the pistol belonged to the 11-year-old's mom
Aug. 14, 2009, 10:50AM
The gun that killed an 11-year-old-boy inside his south Houston home Wednesday night did not belong to his mother — as Houston police were initially told — but to the woman's boyfriend, authorities said.

La Torick Watson was fatally shot by his older brother about 7:30 p.m. while the 13-year-old was playing with a pistol in an upstairs room at the family's home in the 800 block of Blanchard Hill Lane.

At first, La Torick's mother and her boyfriend — Ronnie Dewayne Brown, 23 — told Houston police the boys were searching for a ringing telephone when they jostled a backpack containing a 9mm pistol belonging to the woman. They said the gun went off, striking La Torick in the head.

The story began to unravel as Houston police homicide detectives continued their investigation.

“For whatever reason, they wanted (the mother's) gun to be involved and not his (Brown's),” said J.T. Barringer, a Houston police homicide detective.

“Maybe she didn't want her boyfriend to get involved. I'm not sure,” Barringer said.

Boyfriend hid his pistol
The backpack and a 9mm pistol were lying on a bed in the master bedroom when police arrived.

The backpack did not have a bullet hole in it.

“There was only a naturally worn hole, like you get in the bottom of a backpack when it's used a lot,” Barringer said.

After La Torick was struck, Brown took his pistol, a .40 caliber semi-automatic, and hid it inside the trunk of his car — which he then parked next door, Houston police said.

Later that night, Brown admitted that the gun used to shoot La Torick belonged to him, police said.

“We knew it was an accidental shooting. We weren't suspicious of him at all,” Barringer said.

Police said they don't have any reason to believe Brown's pistol can be linked to any crimes. “But we're going to run the gun through to see if anything pops up,” Barringer said.

With La Torick lying dead, Barringer believes the family may have simply panicked as police arrived at the scene.

“I don't understand why they would have gone through those lengths to protect the boyfriend,” Barringer said.

Brown is now in custody, charged with tampering with evidence, Barringer said Thursday. Bail was set at $5,000 this morning in a hearing, where it also was revealed that he was free on $500 bail on an assault charge out of Jefferson County.

The rest of the case — including any possible charges for leaving a weapon within reach of children or fabricating the initial account of what happened — has been referred to a Harris County grand jury, Barringer said.

Police said both pistols — the mother's 9mm and Brown's .40-caliber — were kept in the home for protection.

Neighbors said several houses in the area had recently been burglarized.

La Torick's family members on Thursday could not be reached for comment.

Boy's birthday today
About a dozen stuffed animals and some flowers were left on the lawn of the home as a memorial to the little boy who attended Almeda Elementary School.

Delisia Harris, who lives across the street, said La Torick would have turned 12 today.

“He was just the most outgoing boy. He was always running around,” Harris said.

La Torick always enjoyed walking the family's dog — a pit bull — and defending the breed's reputation to frightened neighbors.

“He'd always say, ‘This dog isn't going to hurt you,' ” Harris said.

Neighbors said La Torick's family has lived in the two-story brick home for about two years. Harris said the boy's mother is a caring woman who never neglected her children.

“Those kids didn't want for anything,” Harris said.

Chronicle staffer Dale Lezon contributed to this story.

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Re: 8-12-09 Boy's Shooting Death - "jostled a backpack"


Post by bdickens »

Lying to the cops is never a good thing to do.
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Re: 8-12-09 Boy's Shooting Death - "jostled a backpack"


Post by Excaliber »

bdickens wrote:Lying to the cops is never a good thing to do.

In most cases, routine investigative steps will quickly uncover a lie because you can't control (or even think of) all the things that will be examined by folks who get lied to for a living and know what they're doing. Once they sniff one out, they'll close in like a Hellfire missile from a Predator.

Once one's credibility is shot (pardon the pun), there's no getting it back and the gentle treatment part will be over. There are also those little things one should keep in mind like perjury (if in a sworn statement), accessory after the fact, tampering with evidence, and other things that can get you a free room at the greybar hotel.

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Re: 8-12-09 Boy's Shooting Death - "jostled a backpack"


Post by 3dfxMM »

I already read all of that. I still don't see anything in there that supports the idea that the boyfriend did the shooting.
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Re: 8-12-09 Boy's Shooting Death - "jostled a backpack"


Post by Excaliber »

3dfxMM wrote:I already read all of that. I still don't see anything in there that supports the idea that the boyfriend did the shooting.
According to the article in TAM's post below, the older brother fired the boyfriend's gun. The mother and boyfriend then placed the mother's gun at the scene, removed and hid the boyfriend's gun, and lied to the police about how the incident happened and the gun that was used. There was no allegation that the boyfriend did the shooting.

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Re: 8-12-09 Boy's Shooting Death - "jostled a backpack"


Post by 03Lightningrocks »

Horrible event. The death of a child always hits me hardest...no matter what the circumstances. Somehow it always makes me feel that much more thankful for my own children, no matter how old they get. My prayers go out to the family.
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Re: 8-12-09 Boy's Shooting Death - "jostled a backpack"


Post by USA1 »

03Lightningrocks wrote:Horrible event. The death of a child always hits me hardest...no matter what the circumstances. Somehow it always makes me feel that much more thankful for my own children, no matter how old they get. My prayers go out to the family.
i second that . ;-)
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Re: 8-12-09 Boy's Shooting Death - "jostled a backpack"


Post by KD5NRH »

La Torick Watson was fatally shot by his older brother about 7:30 p.m. while the 13-year-old was playing with a pistol in an upstairs room at the family's home in the 800 block of Blanchard Hill Lane.

At first, La Torick's mother and her boyfriend — Ronnie Dewayne Brown, 23 — told Houston police the boys were searching for a ringing telephone when they jostled a backpack containing a 9mm pistol belonging to the woman. They said the gun went off, striking La Torick in the head.
She has a 13 year old kid and a 23 year old boyfriend? Sounds like there will be some other interesting revelations as this story progresses. (Although, since we're only on the second version now, assuming typical media accuracy, by the time all the corrections are in this will probably turn out be a letter to the editor about Sheila Jackson Lee's phone etiquette.)

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Re: 8-12-09 Boy's Shooting Death - "jostled a backpack"


Post by glocklvr »

Bottom line to this whole story is that a child lost their life because somebody broke multiple safety rules. I personaly don't have kids but when around them go to tremendous trouble to insure that my guns are not accessible to anybody especially kids without my knowledge and consent. I personally carry a glock and feel very safe doing so but I also keep it in a holster with a fairly tight fit and plenty of cover for the trigger and if I have to store it in a bag holster or not or have to leave it out of the holster I remove the round from the chamber and often even eject the mag. I have had my gun fall off my hip on the bike at 130mph and not go off. I was also blessed with a father who enforced gun safety with an iron fist from the time I could walk (thanks dad) which I think sadly the majority of kids today don't get. Before I could understand the true consequences of gun negligence I understood the consequences of having dad mad at me and in my house that was more than enough of a deterent. Stories like this besides being tragic due to the loss of life also give the anti's more ammo against us which will eventualy result in the loss of freedom for all of us which is also a tragedy.
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