I lock it in the glove compartment when I'm not in the car (still waiting on license) but while driving around it is probably visible to someone in a tall vehicle - which I just cover the weapon with my arm when passing or being passed by a taller vehicle. Obviously I don't wave it around, and I'm mindful of other people's line-of-sight to the weapon - but there is the matter of moving it to the glove compartment, sometimes in open areas, especially on campus where I could see a whole swarm of UTA cops Rodney King'ing me because some student translates stowing the weapon in my car as a threat.
I also am very mindful of how I drive but I still worry about traffic stops, and again, the legality of having my weapon out. My SOP is to park where it is as safe from traffic as I can get for the LEO to conduct his stop, at night hit my dome lights, roll down the window, place the keys on the dash, hands on the steering wheel, back in the seat fully, and wait for the LEO to initiate contact. I know that the weapon will be seen eventually, and I'd think announcing it up front in a non-alarming manner is the way to go (spooking and/or angering LEO's makes for unpleasant stops as it is) but the litany of questions it might raise seems a good way to get myself in trouble.
In a *bad* situation the primary action is to drive away and hammer 911, but if for some reason I can't, I keep it there because I don't want to reach over to the glove compartment or dig in the center console to get my weapon; the door panel seems like a bad idea for a number of reasons. I can also disengage my seatbelt and grab the weapon in one motion. But the bottom line is: if I need it, I need it immediately.
When I get my CHL, is this grey or does it need to be completely concealed inside the car? Would it constitute an intentional failure to conceal the weapon, complete with suspension of the license and a citation?