Moderator: carlson1
What do you think happened?Purplehood wrote:Keep in mind that the guys on the fantail with bipods and rifles are just a nice picture to throw us all off. We may never know the actual methodology of what happened, and in my opinion, we shouldn't.
In all likelyhood neither account is probably 100% accurate and the truth may be somewhere in between. The unfortunate part is that people will latch on to which ever version suits their own agenda which will only serve to further polarize the anti and pro Obama folks.stroo wrote: In this case, I think I will take his advice and believe the email, not the high ranking officers cited by Snopes.
No conspiracy at all. The Captain was in the middle of things. He may have absolutely no awareness at all of what did actually happen other than suddenly there were dead guys around him.fickman wrote:What do you think happened?Purplehood wrote:Keep in mind that the guys on the fantail with bipods and rifles are just a nice picture to throw us all off. We may never know the actual methodology of what happened, and in my opinion, we shouldn't.
How are they making the captain remain silent about it? What about the others on the ship? Wouldn't they eventually tell their family, friends, or neighbors?
I'm not saying you're bringing forth a full conspiracy theory. . . just trying to figure out what you think might have happened and how they'd keep it under wraps.
This sounds like total micro-management to me!The White House also turned down two rescue plans offered up by the Seal commander on the scene and the captain of the USS Bainbridge.
I am watching the news for ACORN flags on pirate boats from now on.TruckingDeals wrote:Obamer didn't want to kill the pirates because he figured they were his voters.