Ammo Shortage?

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Re: Ammo Shortage?


Post by Liberty »

kestrel wrote:I just got back from the Wal-Mart on 635 and Midway in Dallas. Usually, we can pick up .45ACP and 9mm fairly cheap (100 round bricks), but today...well, you get the picture.

The clerk there said that they had a shipment come in last night and within the first three hours of opening today they sold out. The only thing left was the exotic calibers. He (the clerk) did not know when they were getting another shipment in.

Is this just a run on ammo by good guys?
Or, is it lag in production and the rising cost of metals?
Or is it a run on ammo by the BGs?

Very strange; I haven't seen shortages like this in a very long time, if ever.
I'm no expert but from what I can tell, there is a lot of people stockpiling because they fear their ammo will be made illegal or taxed out of existance... Obama is selling a whole lot of AR 15s large capacity Mags, and tons of ammo.
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Re: Ammo Shortage?


Post by dgindrup »

I just shot my last box of .40 S&W to qualify for my CHL.. ill have to start my stockpile soon.. I also need to start my stockpile of 12 gauge shells too.. has anyone looked at for ammo?? the prices they have arent too shabby.. im not big for buying ammo online.. but if you cant get it anywhere else??
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Re: Ammo Shortage?


Post by WillieD »

dgindrup wrote:I just shot my last box of .40 S&W to qualify for my CHL.. ill have to start my stockpile soon.. I also need to start my stockpile of 12 gauge shells too.. has anyone looked at for ammo?? the prices they have arent too shabby.. im not big for buying ammo online.. but if you cant get it anywhere else??
I personally will not buy anything from Cheaper Than Dirt again. The way they have taken advantage of people on their prices is rediculous. The day after the election they immediately raised the prices on their guns and ammo, and followed it up stating that the vendors raised their prices. Plus, since you are in Texas you have to pay for shipping and tax which inflates the prices quite a bit.

For .40 the best deal is the 180 gr Blazer Brass from Wal-Mart for $12.47 per box. Some locations are out, but the one by me has had some the past few times I have gone in (including tonight). For online vendors there are several good ones. I have personally ordered from Widener's and Natchez a couple times and got some decent deals.
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Re: Ammo Shortage?


Post by boomerang »

kestrel wrote:Is this just a run on ammo by good guys?
Or, is it lag in production and the rising cost of metals?
Or is it a run on ammo by the BGs?
I don't know about anyone else but I was diversifying my portfolio by investing in guns, ammo and food. They beat my stock investments big time in 2008.
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Re: Ammo Shortage?


Post by Oldgringo »

Willie D wrote:

I personally will not buy anything from Cheaper Than Dirt again. The way they have taken advantage of people on their prices is rediculous. The day after the election they immediately raised the prices on their guns and ammo, and followed it up stating that the vendors raised their prices. Plus, since you are in Texas you have to pay for shipping and tax which inflates the prices quite a bit.
My one experience with CTD was a set of handgun grips which I was assured would fit my PT 1911 before the purchase. They did not. I was torn a new one on shipping charges both directions.

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Re: Ammo Shortage?


Post by tarkus »

I got some .22LR at Walmart this morning on the way to the range and they had a few 250 round UMC value packs of .40S&W (<$70) and 9mm (<$60) in addition to the usual 100 round WWB value packs.
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Re: Ammo Shortage?


Post by E10 »

The gun counter guys at my local Academy told me the ammo factories usually shut down for Christmas and New Year's, creating shortages in the January-February time frame. Don't know how valid this is, but it makes sense to me. My business always slows down during the winter break, too, and picks back up with a vengeance in February. Of course, there may also be some unscrupulous folks out there taking advantage of the worries coming out of the recent election and inauguration. Next year, I'll make sure to stock up during the shopping season.

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Re: Ammo Shortage?


Post by Medino »" onclick=";return false;" onclick=";return false;

Here are a couple of news clips about the gun sales increase after Obama was elected. Quite a few gun/ammo dealers have been getting rich off this. Some have been tweaking prices to take advantage of the increase. I can't really blame them what would you do if there was a good chance that your business would be considered illegal. I would raise a little surplus to help me make it long enough to get a new job or retire.
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Re: Ammo Shortage?


Post by ACP380 »

The Academy near Willowbrook (N Houston) is restocked with Monarch, 9mm brass. It's especially packed for Academy, so I hope that there will be continuous supply. It was $10.49 box/50. It's not quite as clean as WWB, but it has worked very well for me.
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Re: Ammo Shortage?


Post by 03Lightningrocks »

I think there are two ammo sale threads...LOL. The other one is a sticky. Maybe the mods can merge this one into that one.

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Re: Ammo Shortage?


Post by mr surveyor »

Wallyworld in Kilgore was down to 2 boxes of .45 cal Blazer Brass, NO 9mm or .40 S&W. They did however have a couple of cases of .22 lr Federal in bulk box. Still a fair supply of "value pack" 12 and 20 ga target rounds at $22/100 round box (was $14.97 a year ago, and $12.97 two years ago).
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Re: Ammo Shortage?


Post by rl168 »

ACP380 wrote:The Academy near Willowbrook (N Houston) is restocked with Monarch, 9mm brass. It's especially packed for Academy, so I hope that there will be continuous supply. It was $10.49 box/50. It's not quite as clean as WWB, but it has worked very well for me.
Wow! I remember when it was $6.83 per box of 50.

I just came back from the wal-mart by willowbrook mall, they have WWB 9mm in stock.
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Re: Ammo Shortage?


Post by Oldgringo »

Berry's MFG. responded to an e-mail today saying the 9mm and .45 acp bullets (for reloading) I ordered on the 2nd are still on back order. :confused5
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Re: Ammo Shortage?


Post by 03Lightningrocks »

Wally World in Plano. Spring Creek and 75 store has WWB 9mm 115 FMJ 100 count boxes at 19.97. They had about ten boxes left when I left there about 7:30 tonight.
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