Laser Grips

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Re: Laser Grips


Post by Bisley »

I suppose there is a danger that a person may become too dependent on them, only to have them fail at the moment of truth, but if he/she practices properly, it should not be an issue. When I shoot with the laser, I use the same grip and stance I use with iron sights, the only difference being I look over the sights when using the laser.

I have CT laser grips on my S&W 642 and my Kahr K-9. I think they are great for a person who may have trouble learning to shoot a gun with a short sighting radius. I have mostly overcome this problem, but I still like to dry-fire practice with the laser, and I leave it turned on on my carry gun. If it works when I need it, great, but if it doesn't, my default shooting method is iron sights anyway, so I'm good to go.

Personally, I practice almost exclusively without using the laser sight, only firing a few rounds to confirm zero, or to help me 'smooth up' my trigger-finger control. Switching instantaneously from iron sights to the laser sight is really so easy that it requires very little practice.
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Re: Laser Grips


Post by Excaliber »

Tactically, the first thing to remember is that a laser can be seen in both directions.
Another tactical consideration is that there is a growing body of anecdotal evidence from law enforcement incidents that use of the laser during the challenge phase of an armed encounter (if there's time for that) increases the chances that the felon will submit rather than fight. I read one case where the BG refused to drop his gun even when confronted by an AR15 armed officer, but dropped it in a hurry when another officer put his pistol's laser dot on the subject's chest. Go figure. I suspect the reason behind this is that the influence of movies and TV on our bad guy population is much stronger than reason itself.

If laser grips can increase the chances of a successful outcome from the good guy's perspective, I think they're a good (though very optional) investment. I weighed the pros and cons for a long time (several years) before I plunked down the cash to put them on my primary carry gun, and don't miss them at all when I carry other models not so equipped.

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Re: Laser Grips


Post by CJATE »

I have looked at them for the gun in the night stand, I feel my wife would be more comfertable, then I could play with it :biggrinjester:
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Re: Laser Grips


Post by DoubleJ »

TexasComputerDude wrote:
DoubleJ wrote: and the cats love'em! :biggrinjester:
Your so going to shoot your cat one of these days...
naw, they're quick.

I really don't think a laser is any more likely to fail "at the moment of need" anymore than anything else. you check the chamber on your gun? check the laser dot at the same time, and you should be squared away!

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Re: Laser Grips


Post by Abraham »

I suppose learning to use a compass before learning how to use a GPS is good idea too, but I don't much practice using a compass.

What happens if the compass fails?

Then use your eyes and celestial navigation...

What happens if you go blind?

This game can be played into perpetuity...

Me, I like and adopt new, proven technology.

P.S. You can make a fire with a string, a stick, kindling and plenty of time and patience. Me, I prefer butane lighters.
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Re: Laser Grips


Post by DoubleJ »

Abraham wrote:P.S. You can make a fire with a string, a stick, kindling and plenty of time and patience. Me, I prefer butane lighters.
hard to light a Cig with like that...

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Re: Laser Grips


Post by Mike from Texas »

I love my Lasergrips on my Kimber and if I could afford it I'd have them on every carry gun I own. Practice with the laser and practice with the irons and you'll be just fine. I like having the option.

I do know that I can get back on target and do follow up shots quite a bit faster with the laser.
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Re: Laser Grips


Post by Seburiel »

Sorry about the thread necromancy, but are there any laser sights that are compatible with the Taurus 140pro? preferrably an internal guide rod laser, but, honestly, any will do.

Thanks, in advance,

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Re: Laser Grips


Post by Bisley »

I''m not a Taurus fan, and can't differentiate between the models, but here's one that fits the PT-145. ... 7SV6QG.htm

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Re: Laser Grips


Post by KBCraig »

I really haven't used lasers, so I don't have much opinion on their value as a sighting system. But they do offer one important tactical advantage: both eyes focus on the target, instead of the front sight.
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