I've got to stop buying guns!

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I've got to stop buying guns!


Post by pbwalker »

So I've gone from buying laptops, hard drives, and an assortment of geek gadgets to buying guns. In 3 months, I've gone from nothing to the following:

Springfield XD .45ACP
S&W SW9VE Sigma 9mm (my first one...yeah, it is not the best but I'm keeping it!)
Rossi .38 Special
Bersa Thunder .380 (got it for the wife)

and my newest addition...

a KelTec P3AT. What a tiny piece! I picked up a DeSantis pocket holster to go along with it. This thing will make one hell of a BUG.

My wife, while supportive, is going to start to put her foot down I'm sure. But I can't help it...it's like tattoos...one you get one, you want another. :rolll

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Re: I've got to stop buying guns!


Post by Liko81 »

pbwalker wrote:So I've gone from buying laptops, hard drives, and an assortment of geek gadgets to buying guns. In 3 months, I've gone from nothing to the following:

Springfield XD .45ACP
S&W SW9VE Sigma 9mm (my first one...yeah, it is not the best but I'm keeping it!)
Rossi .38 Special
Bersa Thunder .380 (got it for the wife)

and my newest addition...

a KelTec P3AT. What a tiny piece! I picked up a DeSantis pocket holster to go along with it. This thing will make one heck of a BUG.

My wife, while supportive, is going to start to put her foot down I'm sure. But I can't help it...it's like tattoos...one you get one, you want another. :rolll

Pretty good collection there; it will certainly cover most defensive applications. Might I suggest one final firearm, a pump-action shotgun (Mossy or Remmy, either one will be cheaper than most of these guns and a LOT more powerful), and then spend your efforts and money at the range becoming proficient with each firearm. You will probably start hankering for a 1911 and/or a better 9mm, but that can wait until you personally have saved your pocket money and thus your wife will have no say in it.
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Re: I've got to stop buying guns!


Post by The Annoyed Man »

But once you've drunk the 1911 coolaid, there will be no hope for you! They are the good stuff. :mrgreen:
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Re: I've got to stop buying guns!


Post by drw »

I'll also add that you might considering adding an EBR (Evil Black Rifle) or three to your collection. Justify it to your wife thusly:

1) Who knows when the next set of "reasonable restrictions" will be put into law. You may have difficulty getting a semi-auto rifle sometime in the future.

2) They hold their value very well.

3) In case of zombie outbreak, they would come in quite handy. A rifle with 30 rounds in an easily swapped out magazine makes for a home-defense best case scenario.

High quality SKS rifles can be had for under $250. A good AK-47 can be had for around $500.

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Re: I've got to stop buying guns!


Post by Rokyudai »

I am with you PB,

In less that 1 month, I have bought

1000 rds of 9mm
500 of 45.acp
Barrett model 99 :drool:
180 rds of .50 BMG.
flip scope covers
single point sling for my 556

My buddy calls me yesterday and has a friend who needs to get rid of several firearms for financial reasons.... Help! :cryin
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Re: I've got to stop buying guns!


Post by 135boomer »

Oh man, you're just getting started. There are more in the safe where these came from.


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Re: I've got to stop buying guns!


Post by rm9792 »

Pffft! You aint even gotten started yet. Some of the members here are dozens deep into buying guns.
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Re: I've got to stop buying guns!


Post by LedJedi »

pbwalker wrote:So I've gone from buying laptops, hard drives, and an assortment of geek gadgets to buying guns. In 3 months, I've gone from nothing to the following:

Springfield XD .45ACP
S&W SW9VE Sigma 9mm (my first one...yeah, it is not the best but I'm keeping it!)
Rossi .38 Special
Bersa Thunder .380 (got it for the wife)

and my newest addition...

a KelTec P3AT. What a tiny piece! I picked up a DeSantis pocket holster to go along with it. This thing will make one heck of a BUG.

My wife, while supportive, is going to start to put her foot down I'm sure. But I can't help it...it's like tattoos...one you get one, you want another. :rolll

LOL, ya. i'm in the same boat man. Luckily the wife has been down with all the recent purchases/trades. She did ask me to cool it for a while.

When I was looking at that Kel-Tec PLR-16 5.56mm Semi-Auto Pistol yesterday online she told me to put it on my Xmas list because she was really impressed with it too.

Dig the Sig image. I have one of those on the back of my truck :)
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Re: I've got to stop buying guns!


Post by jbirds1210 »

You guys are talking like you give the wife a combination to your safe....that would be a rookie mistake :rolll

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Re: I've got to stop buying guns!


Post by LedJedi »

jbirds1210 wrote:You guys are talking like you give the wife a combination to your safe....that would be a rookie mistake :rolll

I'm tellin yo wife!
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Re: I've got to stop buying guns!


Post by TDDude »

pbwalker wrote:Might I suggest one final firearm, ........
a Final Firearm??
You have got to be kidding!!!!!

:drool: :drool: :drool: :drool:
Last edited by TDDude on Wed Jul 16, 2008 7:28 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: I've got to stop buying guns!


Post by dukesean »

[shameless hijack] Well, if you want some more I've got some for sale in the classifieds...me thinks you are lacking a Browning Buck Mark .22lr! [/shameless hijack]
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Re: I've got to stop buying guns!


Post by longhorn_92 »

As soon as you think you are complete in your collection.....

some pretty young thang catches your eye and before you know it...you have it in your hands and your looking for a holster to put it in....

It is a continuous cycle....(don't fight it!) :thumbs2:
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Re: I've got to stop buying guns!


Post by Mike from Texas »

I know exactly what you mean. I said after I got my Glock 19 that I was done.

Wellllllllllll now I have my eye on the Kel-Tec PF9 (a couple of them actually). One for the wife and one for the daughter. Then I fondled a Para Ordinance PDA 9mm at the gun show (big mistake) and then I held a couple of full size 1911s......It an evil cycle.....evil I say. :evil2:
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Re: I've got to stop buying guns!


Post by quidni »

pbwalker wrote:I've got to stop buying guns!
jbirds1210 wrote:You guys are talking like you give the wife a combination to your safe....that would be a rookie mistake :rolll
It's actually the other way 'round, in our home. :mrgreen:
All guns have at least two safeties. One's digital, one's cognitive. In other words - keep the digit off the trigger until ready to fire, and THINK. Some guns also have mechanical safeties on top of those. But if the first two don't work, the mechanical ones aren't guaranteed. - me
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