Is a Glock 19 For ME???

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Re: Is a Glock 19 For ME???


Post by CompVest »

lawrnk wrote:
But the problem is it's a pretend glock! ;-) ... id=90&Item
Lest we never forget the day S&W tried to made a glock, and made the Sigma. May it rest in peace, but they keep making the paper weights.
No, it is a Glock done right! :smilelol5:
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Re: Is a Glock 19 For ME???


Post by Abraham »

I'm a big fan of the Glock 19. It's my primary carry weapon.

I've very modestly tweaked it with a Hogue Handall grip and have had extended slide lock and magazine releases installed. The magazine button has been lightly sanded to remove the sharp edges.(thanks Jason)

I have rather small hands and the extended releases are far more efficient to manipulate. The added Hogue Handall grip doesn't seem to make the grip fatter either. It simply provides a much more secure and comfortable grip.

All the added touches were very inexpensive and have added an immeasurable of additional enjoyment in shooting this terrific pistol.

Beauty is in the eye of the ... I look at this pistol as being quite beautiful. Rock solid and dependable are exemplars of beauty to me.

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Re: Is a Glock 19 For ME???


Post by bdickens »

:thumbs2: on the Glock.
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Re: Is a Glock 19 For ME???


Post by mr.72 »

lawrnk wrote:
CompVest wrote:Since you are looking at a Glock but would like something prettier and more ergonomic AND fits small hands even better - try an M & P before putting your money on a Glock!
But the problem is it's a pretend glock! ;-)
Lest we never forget the day S&W tried to made a glock, and made the Sigma. May it rest in peace, but they keep making the paper weights.
I presume this is just an outdated opinion and not otherwise completely unfounded. Many people are fond of bashing the Sigmas only because of experiences with the first-generation models, but the current Sigmas are excellent guns with better ergonomics than a G19, more comfortable, higher capacity and just over 1/2 the price.

Yes I happen to own a Sigma. I like it a lot.
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Re: Is a Glock 19 For ME???


Post by lawrnk »

mr.72 wrote:
lawrnk wrote:
CompVest wrote:Since you are looking at a Glock but would like something prettier and more ergonomic AND fits small hands even better - try an M & P before putting your money on a Glock!
But the problem is it's a pretend glock! ;-)
Lest we never forget the day S&W tried to made a glock, and made the Sigma. May it rest in peace, but they keep making the paper weights.
I presume this is just an outdated opinion and not otherwise completely unfounded. Many people are fond of bashing the Sigmas only because of experiences with the first-generation models, but the current Sigmas are excellent guns with better ergonomics than a G19, more comfortable, higher capacity and just over 1/2 the price.

Yes I happen to own a Sigma. I like it a lot.
Yeah, I do bash sigma a good bit. I had one last year, made last year. I also shot one a buddy bought 2 months ago. Mine got 200 down the pipe, and traded it to someone here. Shot my buddy's recently to see if anything changed. Nothing has changed IMHO.
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Re: Is a Glock 19 For ME???


Post by Barron76 »

I hate Glocks... but my primary CCW is a Glock 19, that should say something about them! They really are awesome guns for CCW.


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Re: Is a Glock 19 For ME???


Post by BigDan »

Glock 23 for me. I'm a rather large fellow and while I could easily be able to conceal the full-size .40, but the 23 just felt "right". I didn't like the smaller one for the same reason. Too big, too small, JUST RIGHT.

The G23 shoots true and has the durability of Glock to boot. I can fall into a river, crawl through mud, then rinse it off and it'll still fire. TO me, that's durability. ;-]
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Re: Is a Glock 19 For ME???


Post by melkor41 »

BigDan wrote:Glock 23 for me. I'm a rather large fellow and while I could easily be able to conceal the full-size .40, but the 23 just felt "right". I didn't like the smaller one for the same reason. Too big, too small, JUST RIGHT.

The G23 shoots true and has the durability of Glock to boot. I can fall into a river, crawl through mud, then rinse it off and it'll still fire. TO me, that's durability. ;-]
You dont even need to rinse it off, just make sure the barrel is clear :rolll

Glock 17 here... I will be getting the mid size 10mm when funds allow.
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Re: Is a Glock 19 For ME???


Post by pedalman »

Just picked up a new Glock 19 yesterday. I already have a G22, and can conceal it just fine. But I wanted something a little smaller, and the G19 feels good in my hand and fits me well. Not to mention that 9mm is cheaper to shoot than 40 S&W.

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Re: Is a Glock 19 For ME???


Post by mrvmax »

I have owned two Glocks (27/17) and I almost bought a 19. But....then I found a SigPro 2022 (with 3-15 round mags) for $479 - shipped to my FFL. I couldn't pass up a deal on a Sig (since I already have a 226 and love the way it shoots). You may consider the 2022, it has different backstraps for different hand sizes. The 2022 shoots great and has little muzzle flip. The natural angle when holding is better than a Glock so the natural aim is more on target. Here is where I purchased my 2022

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Re: Is a Glock 19 For ME???


Post by lawrnk »

CompVest wrote:
lawrnk wrote:
But the problem is it's a pretend glock! ;-) ... id=90&Item
Lest we never forget the day S&W tried to made a glock, and made the Sigma. May it rest in peace, but they keep making the paper weights.
No, it is a Glock done right! :smilelol5:
I admit I shot the g26 equivilant of a M&P and I don't recall the model number. I think I was shooting .40s&W. A friend was shooting it at PSC and I gave it a shot. Personally, I think it shot much better than the g26, especially seeing as it was a heavier load. Nice, nice nice! :thumbs2:
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Re: Is a Glock 19 For ME???


Post by Mike from Texas »

Glock 19 is next on my list (as soon as Cheaper than Dirt gets some more in :mad5 ). It is not hard to conceal at all. I carry my G29 which is much larger than the G19 and have no problems concealing it.

I used to be a Glock hater but after fooling with them over the last couple of years, I have come to realize is is the ultimate tactical handgun. Light, cheap, deadly accurate and stone cold reliable. And they are so simple it is ridiculous. I don't think you can ask for better.

I have shot the M&P and it pales in comparison to the Glock IMO.
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Re: Is a Glock 19 For ME???


Post by HerbM »

Barron76 wrote:I hate Glocks... but my primary CCW is a Glock 19, that should say something about them! They really are awesome guns for CCW.

It does. And although I don't hate them, I see their limitations and yet agree on the rest (G30 in .45 and as to being concealable, it just disappears and there are no "rough edges" that need dehorning for an extra $100 or so. There is also the G36 in .45 which is even thinner.)

One other thing I didn't see mentioned: Glocks are actually pretty cheap and they hold their value as well or better than anything else can be expected to do so. Buy a used one, sell it in a year and you likely will take no loss. Certainly far less than the value you obtained from carrying it or the fun you had shooting it.

Try a Glock if you think it is for you -- if you are wrong, no problem. Sell it with the knowledge and skill you now have to pick something better FOR YOU.

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Re: Is a Glock 19 For ME???


Post by Skiprr »

Mike from Texas wrote:I have shot the M&P and it pales in comparison to the Glock IMO.
All guns are good. I have four Glocks (and four XDs). Ain't mentioning 1911s; don't want to start a debate.

BUT, I have a paid order on an M&P9 Pro...
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Re: Is a Glock 19 For ME???


Post by KC5AV »

I've found that the bottom plate of the magazine on my Glock digs into my side a little bit. I've been losing weight lately, so that may not be a problem much longer, but I've considered trimming a little of that one corner.
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