lunchbox wrote:and prey tell how do we solve the problem
Advocacy. Letting folks know, Net Gingrich engineered a huge take over of the house called the "Contract with America" Americans revolted and in the course of 4 years replaced a Democratic controlled House with a Republican Controlled one. A Democratic Controlled Senate with a Republican Controlled Senate. Impeached a Democratic President and ellected a Republican.
What Happened? The new guys turned into the same creeps we voted out. They controlled every thing but we still had the corruption of Delay, pushed more pork than the Democrats ever thought of , and never improved our energy policy. Shucks we elected a Republican president that would sign an assault weapons ban, and can't even say "nuclear". We would have had drilling on ANWAR anf florida if he held Congress feet to the fire. Instead we have $4.00 gas.
Is it hopeless? Admittedly things are at a low. Activisim such as what we observe through this board is pretty effective. I believe if we can get an effective third party thrown into the mix, It will have a positive effect on keeping the other two more honest. I need to stop supporting crooks who just because they belong to "our party" . We need to vote on folks, because of what they have done and their proven character , not because of how sweet talking they are, nor of their "charisma"
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"Today, we need a nation of Minutemen, citizens who are not only prepared to take arms, but citizens who regard the preservation of freedom as the basic purpose of their daily life and who are willing to consciously work and sacrifice for that freedom." John F. Kennedy